Cody Isabel

Headshot of Cody Isabel

Cody Isabel

Founder & CEO
Kansas City, MO, USA

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Cody Isabel, a neuroscience graduate, has devoted his early life to exploring one of the last unknowns of humanity: The Brain.

Always the student, and understanding that knowledge without application is mute, Cody’s focus throughout his career has been finding tactical applications for the information he’s armed with and sharing it with those who can use it to make an impact.

He brings a high energy personality style, a love of Neuroscience, and an immense desire to help others achieve their goals to all that he does. Through this, he’s gained an innate ability to take complex processes and simplify them to be reimplemented by individuals for massive self-improvement that is unmatched.

In summary, Cody’s mission is simply to help others understand that anything they conceive and believe, they can achieve. The more people he can share this with, the more he can impact the world in a positive way.


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