Honson Tran

Headshot of Embedded Software Engineer Honson Tran

Honson Tran

Embedded Software Engineer
Emerging Tech, AI, DeFi
New York, NY, USA

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Honson Tran is a 25 year old computer scientist focused on technologies that have the potential to augment the way we live our lives today. By day, Honson works at an AI startup focused on creating powerful tools to accelerate the adoption and performance of AI on the edge. By night, he heads operations at COMB.

Honson first gained interest in blockchain after receiving a scholarship during his university days. Instead of using it to pay off his school loans, he took a chance at mining Ethereum when it was as low as $300. After looking deeper into blockchain technologies, Honson soon found himself in disruptive topics in blockchain, such as decentralized finance.


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