Dan Brownsher

Headshot of CEO Dan Brownsher

Dan Brownsher

Co-Founder & CEO
eCommerce, Entrepreneur
Las Vegas, NV, USA

Listen to Dan’s Podcast!

Dan Brownsher is the President, CEO, and Co-Founder at Channel Key.

Dan Brownsher is a national thought leader in Amazon retail strategy and emerging e-commerce trends. He is a commentator on Amazon practices, policies, and technologies as well as a sought-after opinion source for media, quoted by Bloomberg, Forbes, MSN.com, LA Times, Reuters and key specialist trade and business media outlets across the country.

Brownsher has spoken on panels, at tradeshows, conferences and industry think tanks and is President, CEO and Co-Founder of Channel Key, advising everyone from multi-million-dollar corporations to fast-paced entrepreneurial start-ups on how to navigate the complex landscape of Amazon retail, and the broader world of e-commerce in general.

Dan Brownsher, along with his two partners, is also co-founder of Trend Nation, a top 200 Global Amazon Seller, selling $1 Billion in revenue. He is a member of TAAN – the worldwide alliance of, and incubator for, independently owned marketing agencies as well as a member of Vistage, the global organization for entrepreneurship and executive coaching and YPO. Dan tells clients the secret to helping everyone succeed with Amazon is real-world experience, learned and perfected the hard way. As he says: “I made the mistakes with Amazon, so you don’t have to.”

Dan Brownsher is also featured on our premiere Features Page, and you can read his podcast interview transcript.


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