Cory Hymel

Headshot of Vice President of Product & Research Cory Hymel

Cory Hymel

V.P. of Product & Research
Technology, Entrepreneur
Charlotte, NC, USA

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Cory Hymel is the Vice President of Product & Research at Gigster, a company democratizing access to great software development. With over 800 engineers, Gigster helps startups to Fortune 500 companies unleash human cloud-driven innovation at a global scale.

The root of Cory’s passion for the connected nature of tech enhancing the future of work began in the early 2000s when he led robotic delivery research initiatives for the FedEx Institute of Technology. He went on to pioneer mobile with iPhone game development; and helped enterprises develop strategies to mobilize staff workflows and collaboration in the pre-enterprise project management app era of “BYOD to work” in the mid-2010s. Observing firsthand the impact of mobile innovation on the workforce, Cory became interested in developing technology to empower teams and their relationship to their work systems. 

An advocate for leveling outdated hierarchical structures within organizations, Cory has since dedicated his career focus to democratizing power levels from the ground up. He supports each and every team member’s participation in their work product from creation to profit. Cory Hymel focuses on blockchain and Web3 development projects and manages academic partnerships with renowned academic institutions like Berkeley and Stanford. He currently manages furthering research into distributed teams and the future of work and ever-evolving organizational structures. 

As more and more entities and commerce become decentralized in nature, Cory studies the incentive model designs for new chains, and new individualized ownership with the democratization of data. From redefining the outdated 9-5, 40-hours/week scheduling models to empowering more workers to own a stake in their work and developing predictive analytics for distributed team outcomes, Cory Hymel is a futurist with the goal to continuously question the status quo. His research answers the questions that will define how the innovations of today will impact the work of tomorrow. 

Follow him on YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn and read his Blog.

Cory Hymel is also featured on our Features Page.


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