Rebecca Korn Feature

Headshot of Founder and CEO Rebecca Korn

Rebecca Korn is the Founder and CEO of Rise Reign Rule.

Rebecca Korn is an esteemed financial advisor coach, entrepreneur, and the visionary founder of Rise Reign Rule. With a deep-rooted passion for igniting potential, Rebecca leads a cutting-edge consulting group that is renowned for its personalized coaching and guidance, propelling individuals and businesses to achieve unprecedented levels of success. The firm places emphasis on a holistic approach to achieving results, with a focus on; black-box thinking, adaptability, analytical skills, communication skills, strategy and personal mastery. She has received numerous accolades for her work in the financial industry and has successfully run a team with millions under management, for which she has received national recognition for her results and strategy. Her expertise has captured the attention of industry leaders, to include MarketWatch, InsuranceNewsNet, as well as big box firms.

[Q U I C K   N O T E S]

Rebecca Korn smiling and looking up

Rebecca, can you start off by telling us about yourself and why you chose entrepreneurship?

In all honesty, I felt it was my only path. My core being, one that thrives on challenging conventions and harnessing optimism, constantly drives me to effectuate changes I’m profoundly connected to. My overarching goal? Redirecting wealth to fellow entrepreneurs. Not just for wealth’s sake, but to amplify their influence, broaden their horizons, and infuse more radiant positivity into our world.

Can you tell us what drives you to be successful as an entrepreneur and coach?

When I engage with a business, I don’t just see it as it is; I envision what it can become. I see the inefficiencies, the gaps, but more importantly, I see the solutions, the optimizations. To me, every business is a puzzle, waiting to be solved, a potential masterpiece obscured by a few misplaced pieces. And with the right strategies and tweaks, we can unveil its true brilliance.

Rebecca Korn smiling and closing laptop

Tell us about your vision of your company in the next 2-3 years.

Rise Reign Rule has always been more than just a company to me; it’s a manifestation of my deepest beliefs and aspirations. As I gaze into the horizon, envisioning the next 2-3 years, my aspirations for the firm are both expansive and precise.

Firstly, I see us leading the forefront in financial advisory coaching, not just in numbers, but in the transformative impact we deliver. We’ll be scaling our personalized coaching module, making it accessible to a wider demographic while ensuring the individuality of our approach isn’t diluted.

Moreover, technology will play a pivotal role. We’re in the process of integrating cutting-edge tech solutions to provide our clients with real-time insights and data-driven strategies. The fusion of technology with our holistic approach will redefine the financial coaching landscape.

Additionally, our community outreach and CSR initiatives will gain momentum. We’re not just about wealth creation; we’re about value creation, for our clients and society at large. The goal is to build an ecosystem where financial success is intertwined with societal progress.

In essence, in the next 2-3 years, Rise Reign Rule will not just be known as a consulting firm but as a movement. A movement that propels individuals and businesses to their highest potential while leaving a lasting, positive imprint on the world.

What’s the one or two accomplishments that you’re proud of?

We’ve had two groundbreaking accomplishments that fill me with immense pride:

First, our Innovative Business Ecosystems: Our automated system’s launch in developed business ecosystems marked a significant milestone. This innovation not only boosted profitability and consistency but also focused on enriching diversity-driven businesses. Its impact on the community has been both profound and inspiring.

Next, Empowering Voices through Acquisition: Our acquisition of a PR company has been a game-changer. It gave us the ability to amplify the voices of women in leadership, ensuring more equitable representation in the public eye. This move is a step towards dismantling the monotonous portrayal of repetitive figures, paving the way for fresh, diverse perspectives.

What advice do you have for other up-and-coming woman entrepreneurs?

To each one of you, embarking on this exhilarating journey, remember: Every challenge you face is a stepping stone, every risk a potential reward, and every dream, no matter how distant, is within your reach. Stand tall, lean into your vision, and let your passion illuminate the path ahead.

Rebecca Korn leaning forward

Are you active on social media professionally?  If so, what platforms work best for engaging your followers?

I am! I am primarily on LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.

Who was your biggest influence?

My grandfather was not just a patriarch but a beacon of resilience and vision. He ventured into uncharted territories, founding the first plus-sized women’s clothing business at a time when such a concept was far from the norm. His journey was neither smooth nor straightforward. He navigated the tumultuous waves of the Great Depression, the upheavals of war, and the sting of personal tragedies. Yet, with each challenge, he emerged more resolute, his vision undeterred.

His background in the Marines provided him with a structured approach to business, a foundation built on discipline, integrity, and unwavering commitment. But it wasn’t just his business acumen that left an indelible mark on me. It was his spirit, his life-force energy. He instilled in me a sense of purpose, a dedication to be a pillar of support and guidance for others, just as he had been for so many.

Every decision I make, every step I take in my entrepreneurial journey, is imbued with the lessons he imparted. He taught me that challenges are but stepping stones, that true success lies in the difference we make in the lives of others, and that with dedication and passion, no vision is too grand to realize. Today, as I forge my path, his legacy serves as my compass, guiding me, inspiring me, and reminding me of the transformative power of unwavering belief and relentless perseverance. Through his story, I’ve learned that the true essence of entrepreneurship goes beyond business. It’s about leaving an indelible mark, touching lives, and creating a legacy that inspires generations to come. And it’s this essence that I strive to embody and pass on, honoring the invaluable legacy of a remarkable man.

Rebecca Korn smiling on steps

What is the most challenging part of your work as a CEO?

One of the most pervasive misconceptions about being a CEO is the assumption that it’s a comfortable, cushioned position. Many imagine the role to be filled with grand decisions made from the comfort of a plush office, with a team that magically aligns with every directive. The reality couldn’t be further from this.

Running a company is akin to captaining a ship in ever-changing waters. At Rise Reign Rule, I operate a tight ship. Every process, every decision, every strategy is meticulously planned and executed. It’s not just about setting a vision but ensuring that every cog in the machine, every member of the team, is aligned, motivated, and working cohesively towards that vision.

Managing a practice, especially with a team, entails juggling multiple roles – including the imagination from the people I coach that I am perfect. Quick tip, I am not!  From ensuring that our service delivery is smooth to fostering a nurturing and growth-oriented environment for the team; from making strategic decisions that propel the company forward to dealing with the minutiae that keep the operations smooth – every aspect demands attention, dedication, and a relentless drive. I show up and try.

So, while the title ‘CEO’ might seem glamorous, it comes with the weight of responsibility, the expectation of foresight, and the challenge of constantly balancing the big picture with the granular details. But it’s this very challenge, the dynamic nature of the role, that makes it incredibly rewarding.

What do you have your sights set on next?

What’s Next: Expanding Our Horizon

Looking forward, we are set on a path of transformative growth. Our aim is to magnify our enterprise impact and extend our reach to larger masses. We are not just focused on growth in numbers but committed to creating meaningful, inclusive opportunities that resonate with a wider audience. Our vision is to be a catalyst for positive change, influencing various communities and industries.

Rebecca Korn smiling and leaning on elbow

What is a day in your life like?

My alarm gently nudges me awake at 5:30 AM. The early start isn’t a burden but rather a choice, giving me those few moments of solitude before the world wakes up. I begin with a brief meditation session, grounding myself and setting the intention for the day.

By 6 AM, I’m on my treadmill, letting the endorphins kick in, and mentally running through the day’s agenda. Exercise isn’t just a physical regimen for me; it’s a mental prep, allowing me to clear my head and focus.  I quickly catch up on industry news and updates, ensuring I’m always a step ahead. By 8am I am in the office and have already begun with clients.  The morning often involves strategy sessions, client meetings, and reviewing reports. As a CEO, it’s not just about direction but also about understanding the nitty-gritty of operations. I make it a point to set aside time for mentoring and coaching sessions, ensuring that the growth and development of my team are always prioritized. Lunch is often a working one, sometimes with clients, other times with potential partners or stakeholders. It’s not about the meal but about forging and nurturing relationships.

By 7 PM, I wrap up at the office, ensuring I give myself time to recharge. The evening is about personal rejuvenation – be it spending quality time with family, indulging in a hobby, or simply reading a book. Before bedtime, I reflect on the day, celebrating the successes and acknowledging areas of improvement. A brief journaling session helps me capture these thoughts, ensuring that I’m always learning, always evolving.

Do you have any hobbies?

I’ve always sought solace and inspiration in two deeply personal pursuits: hiking and abstract art. To me, hiking is not just about physical exertion. It’s a spiritual journey, a chance to escape and reflect. As I navigate the trails, each step becomes a testament to my endurance, echoing the challenges I face in the business realm. The mountains and terrains symbolize the challenges and peaks of life, constantly reminding me that every peak is worth the ascent, and every descent offers its lessons. The tranquility of nature gifts me a fresh perspective, reinvigorating me with renewed insights and clarity each time I venture out. While hiking takes me on external journeys, abstract art is my deep dive inward. Before a canvas, I find myself unrestrained, allowing my emotions and instincts to steer my brush. The unpredictable dance of colors becomes a silent conversation between my subconscious and the canvas. Every artwork tells a story, captures a mood, and unravels a part of me. This process is my therapy, a medium through which I channel my experiences.

Rebecca Korn smiling by water

What makes you smile?

When I get to look forward to another day, another opportunity to make a difference, to lead, to inspire, and to rise, reign, and rule.

What are you never without?

A hike. A journey into the woods is my anchor, ensuring that even amidst the storm of corporate responsibilities, I remain grounded and true to who I am.

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Haha! Blue water, and I am in heaven! But the truth is, that travel is a deep and never-ending passion of mine. The discovery of new cultures, traditions and ideas inspires me deeply and profoundly no matter the location.

Other work, published articles, interviews or accomplishments:

~ Rebecca


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