Chelsea Oyler Podcast Transcript

Headshot of CEO Chelsea Oyler

Chelsea Oyler Podcast Transcript

Chelsea Oyler joins host Brian Thomas on The Digital Executive Podcast.

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Brian Thomas: Welcome to the digital executive. Today’s guest is Chelsea Oyler. Chelsea Oyler is the Founder of Elevated Leadership. Elevated leadership was founded with a mission to create as many profitable and purpose driven business owners as possible.

Chelsea helps her clients transition from an owner who’s wearing all the hats buried in the weeds and white knuckling the day to day to a visionary CEO with a high performing team that has the freedom and flexibility to run their business from the sidelines. With over 20 years of experience in corporate and business, Chelsea is exceptional at helping entrepreneurs to create the strategy, offers, and team to scale their business beyond their wildest expectations, all while leading with purpose, vision, and intuition.

Well, good afternoon, Chelsea. Welcome to the show!

Chelsea Oyler: Thank you so much, Brian. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here.

Brian Thomas: Absolutely. This is so fun. Again, do this on a. Pretty much daily basis, getting around the world, chatting to some amazing people like yourself on the podcast. Again, that’s what kind of juices me, gets me out of bed every day.

So, Chelsea, we’re going to jump right into your questions. Let’s talk, let’s talk about your career in business. You were in management, you were a sales manager, an entrepreneur. Now you’re the founder of Elevated Leadership. Could you share with our audience the secret to your career growth and what inspires you?

Chelsea Oyler: Yeah, I’d love to. What a great question. My inspiration is owed to my dad. I grew up on a thousand-acre cattle ranch in the middle of Idaho. So very rural, very remote, very agricultural background. And I watched him work his literal hands to the bone. I remember watching him. You know, when he had the stomach flu, still having to get up and get off the couch and go out and feed cattle.

I remember when he was diagnosed with cancer and he was going through chemotherapy and radiation, he couldn’t rest his body the way that most people should do so in order to heal. And he had to still go out and do all the same things in the fields with the cattle on the land that He did before. And in the entire time growing up, I remember him taking two vacations.

And one of them was to go hunting in the mountains behind our home with my brothers. So. What really resonated with that is like, I didn’t want to become him. And I told, I remember asking him why he chose that path. And he said, because he could never have a boss. He could never report to somebody. And so, my brain linked up, okay, business equals hard.

Work yourself to the bone every single day. I don’t want to do that. So, I went into the corporate world seeking that freedom that he never found. And I got one step away from that window office, which is what I believed where that would come with, you know, with the view and all the perks. And I saw what that entailed and, and that role really owns the person.

And so, I figured at that point, there’s got to be something. And so, my mission now is to help entrepreneurs find that elusive freedom and flexibility that inspired them to get into business in the first place, right? That’s usually what they’re seeking. And they find success and they head down that road.

And then they hit a moment where they realized that they’re married. kind of more shackled their business. And that’s when I really start working with them to really start bringing that balance and freedom and flexibility back into their life.

Brian Thomas: Thank you. I love the story. And again, we talk about stories all the time. People that come on share their unique story. And yours like everybody else’s is amazing. Learning from that. And you found that the corporate world we’ve all been there next to that corner office or been in the corner office and. It’s like having your own ranch right and having to do the stress there is crazy and we can talk about that for hours, but I appreciate the story there really, really do Chelsea and moving on to the next question is how do you approach the creation of high performing teams?

Chelsea Oyler: Yes. So, to fill in a little bit on that, that’s, this is really where I work with my clients. We help build high performing teams within their business so that they can start to elevate their role out of the doer out of the day to day. Right. And so, to answer that question, it all starts with culture.

In order to create a high performing team, the leader must become crystal clear on their long-term vision. The 10 year results they’re looking to achieve. And then we create a recipe for the type of team that will thrive in that environment and what’s needed to get those results. We attract those people.

We elevate those people and we retain those people. And this is what allows the entrepreneur, the founder, the leader to start letting go to stop white knuckling the details, right? To, to be able to elevate more into that CEO role and work on the business more than they work in the business.

Brian Thomas: Thank you. And we need that, especially in today’s environment with the hybrid slash remote team. Having high performing teams is hard to do. I can tell you I’ve, I’ve done a lot of this during the past three years with, with this new model that we call remote work crazy, but I appreciate you diving into this and, and helping people really realize how to build that high performing team.

So, I appreciate that. Thank you. You’re very welcome. Chelsea, what are some of the common challenges women entrepreneurs face, and how does your coaching help overcome them?

Chelsea Oyler: Oh, I love that question. The most common challenge that I see in coaching my clients is the belief that they cannot have both a thriving business and a thriving life.

When a lot of my clients find me. One of those is suffering. So, they have a belief that they cannot get to the vision. You know, they cannot fulfill the vision that they have for their business because they have maybe a family, a marriage. Maybe it’s just a really high desire to take care of themselves.

Whatever that looks like. They, they just don’t believe that they can put the time into their business in order to achieve the results that they want, or it’s the opposite. They have this thriving business, they have found massive success in their business, and they haven’t, they, they believe that they can’t have a family, for example, or maybe can’t have the relationship they’re looking for, or can’t take care of themselves, right?

And they believe that they have to sacrifice one for the other, and that simply isn’t true.

Brian Thomas: Thank you. And what I really like about your coaching, Chelsea, is that you do highlight some things and help people realize that there, there is a better way. They do have options and providing, you know, people that assurance with your experience in the coaching will help them feel better about it and be able to manage some of that stuff.

I know it. There are all kinds of challenges and especially I know a lot of women that are single parents or they Raising children is very hard. So, I appreciate that. I really really do and Chelsea the last question of the day We are a tech platform as we talked about but it’s okay, We like to ask everybody what they’re doing as far as tech and if you’re leveraging any of that new and emerging tech in your business Great, if not, maybe there’s an app you found that you might highlight for us today.

Chelsea Oyler: You know, Brian, I’m going to throw you a curveball here because I don’t have any specific new or emerging technologies that I’m using.

I’m seeking a lot. And so, I’m doing a lot of research trying to find, you know, the, the specific technology. Gap that I’m looking for. So, I’m going to throw you a little bit of a curve ball and to give you a non tech question or answer, if that’s okay. And the, there is a really cool tool in my business that I’m hoping will eventually turn into some tech needs, but it’s called HypnoBreathwork®.

And I was just certified in this technique and it’s a cutting-edge method using breathwork to clear energetic patterns. Hypnosis to reprogram subconscious beliefs and visioning to take intuitive action. It in heal, it heals unprocessed emotions, rewires limiting beliefs and allows us to align our conscious goals and subconscious motivations.

And where I’m going with this is this has become the biggest game changer in my coaching with my clients because I can give them all the strategy. I can give them all the actions, all the to dos. But if there’s a limiting belief or a stock miss in them, you know, they just can’t get themselves to take that step in that strategy.

We’re never going to achieve the results that we’re looking for. And so, one of the technologies that I’m testing out a lot right now is platforms that really allow me to bring this to my audience at a higher level. So, I’m looking at, you know, private podcasts, a lot of online. Opportunities that, that they can log into and find sessions for exactly what they need at that moment.

Brian Thomas: I love it. I really do. And Chelsea if, if you listen to my podcast, anyway, there’s a ton of apps that are doing exactly what you want there because they’re AI enabled now there’s actually therapists in your pocket, literally AI providing mental health therapy just as one example. But yes, there’s a ton of this stuff.

The, yeah. It’s an ocean now of available tools that you’ll be able to leverage and take your business to the next level as well. So, thank you.

Chelsea Oyler: Yes. And that’s the problem. It’s, it’s overwhelming how much we have at our fingertips right now.

Brian Thomas: It is. It is a little bit, but that’s why we like to highlight 10-minute soundbite and people are loving it. So, thank you again. And Chelsea, it was such a pleasure meeting you today. And I look forward to speaking with you real soon.

Chelsea Oyler: Likewise. Thank you so much, Brian.

Brian Thomas: Bye for now.

Chelsea Oyler Podcast Transcript. Listen to the audio on the guest’s podcast page.


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