Paul Wnek Feature

Headshot of Founder Paul Wnek

Paul Wnek Feature

Paul Wnek is the Founder and CEO of Coalescence Cloud, and ExpandAP.

Paul Wnek is a 15x Salesforce Certified B2B Solutions Architect and founder and CEO of Coalescence Cloud (a Salesforce consulting partner) and ExpandAP (an expense, AP and corporate credit card automation application built natively on the Salesforce platform). Paul is well-versed in CRM, ERP, PSA, billing, CPQ and other business systems topics, including enterprise software, expense management, Salesforce integration and more.

[Q U I C K   N O T E S]

Paul Wnek with coworkers at a conference

Paul, can you start off by telling us about yourself and why you chose entrepreneurship?

I was born and raised in Maryland (the DMV) about an hour from DC. I moved to the Dallas Fort Worth area to attend the University of Dallas, where I studied Business Administration for my bachelor’s, currently live in Frisco, TX with my wife Marisa, 4 year old son Cyrus, and 2 mini golden doodles Winston and Daisy.

Entrepreneurship was something I knew to be my life’s path since I was in middle school. It was reaffirmed during my college days working full-time as a server at several of Dallas’ top fine dining restaurants, giving me the opportunity to interact and connect with CEOs and other incredibly successful and several of which continue to mentor me today! Talking to these individuals and learning their stories and rise to success only inspired me to be an entrepreneur. For the complete challenge that it is: It forces a person to be the best they can be professionally, which in turn demands the best on the personal side. I feel it goes hand in hand with the journey of life.

Can you tell us what drives you to be successful as a CEO and entrepreneur?

Besides not wanting to fail? Hahaha. My personal and family’s financial well-being depends on it. As an entrepreneur, I’ve sold my family,  employees, clients, and partners on an idea(s) and, my company(s). I owe it to them to be successful and support their success. It’s a web; everything is interwoven. I can’t fail;, it’s a long way down but it is an overwhelming and exciting journey.

Tell us about your vision of your company in the next 2-3 years.

I hope to grow Coalescence to about- 150 full-time employees and continue to further our partnership with Salesforce and enterprise companies. I hope to keep building on the brand and become a powerhouse name in terms of Salesforce consultancies. 

For my other company, ExpandAP, I want to sign an exclusive with Salesforce to be it’s only AP and Expense automation app. That’s a big dream and who knows if it is possible but part of being an entrepreneur is dreaming big.

Paul Wnek and his wife in front of a Christmas tree

What’s the one or two accomplishments that you’re proud of?

There was a time when Coalescence was in a downturn and we had an investment offer that would’ve made the recovery easier. However, it was a bad offer and would’ve been more detrimental to my employees in the long run. Having to reject the offer and find other ways to get us through it was a very rough and humbling experience, but we were able to do it and now we are thriving.

What advice do you have for other up-and-coming entrepreneurs?

You’ll find everything you’re looking for by building resilience. Resilience requires high stress (challenges that often suck and take you to the brink of failure), but show you how much grit you actually have. Having consistency, and discipline – in all facets of life is also critical.

Are you active on social media professionally?  If so, what platforms work best for engaging your followers?

Other than reposting articles on LinkedIn from time to time, not really. A goal I have for myself for this year and next is to have a more active voice on LinkedIn and X. I do have a lot of ideas and thoughts to share and want to connect with more professionals and get their insight as well.

Who was your biggest influence?

Elon Musk – his resilience game is strong and ambitions are out of this world., Hhe doesn’t need any of it, and his success rate is far beyond any serial entrepreneur.

Paul Wnek and his wife at the beach

What is the most challenging part of your work as a CEO?

The need to be available, intelligible, and flexible daily with clients, and employee needs.  I (haven’t been able to fully shut off more than a day at a time since starting Coalescence.

What do you have your sights set on next?

Launching ExpandAP on June 18th, which just so happens to be national Accounts Payable day. This second venture is completely different than Coalescece, so it’s going to be a whole new wild ride. We will be co-sponsoring Dreamforce (the biggest Salesforce conference) this year in San Francisco, be sure to come by our booth and say “Hi!” if you’re going!

What is a day in your life like?

  • Wake up around 6.
  • Make breakfast for our 4-year-old.
  • School drop off at 8:30.
  • Gym at 9
  • Work Meetings from 10:00 am to 6/7 pm
  • Dinner
  • Bedtime for the little one
  • Work or a Walk Bed by 10.
Paul Wnek and his family in front of a Christmas tree

Do you have any hobbies?

I’m big on working out and looking to get into golf. I also want to get into other hobbies this year.

What makes you smile?

Spending time and vacations with my family. Positive client reviews/feedback.

What are you never without?

My Samsung Fold (smartphone)

What scares you?


What is your favorite vacation spot?

Playa del Carmen, Mexico but anywhere tropical really.

Other work, published articles, interviews or accomplishments:

~ Paul

Paul Wnek Feature


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