Tim Danks

Headshot of V.P. Risk Management Tim Danks

Tim Danks

V.P., Risk Management & Partner Relations
Technology, Telecom
Dallas, TX, USA

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Tim Danks is the Founder of Global Risk Perspectives.

Real-world operational and business experience building global organizations centered around risk management in services.  Thought leader, industry expert and spokesperson with a focus on the technology sector.

His background includes a diversified mix of operational experience, from both the vendor and customer perspectives, with a primary focus on risk mitigation and management in delivery environments. In addition, he has achieved repeated success in building organizations through improved methodologies, processes development, and effective tools that enable efficient and cost controlled service delivery toward internal and external stakeholders. His expertise is cyber security, focused on operational risk mitigation against an evolving threat landscape with strategy development, implementation, and execution of programs, tools and risk management teams.

With more than 30 years in professional services and 12 years in cybersecurity, privacy and risk in large multinational corporations Tim Danks decided it was time to share that experience with small to medium size companies that don’t necessarily have the resources to navigate risk in today’s digital world.

Understanding and managing risk appropriately protects your business and can be an enabler for your organization while empowering your teams. Our experience in assessing operational risk utilizing globally recognized frameworks and extensive business management experience in service delivery will help you have more time to focus on what you do best.

Key to understanding the risks in any business environment is working cross functionally with both internal and external stakeholders.  After many years in the professional services world, creating clear actionable plans and delivering tangible results is how Tim works. This ensures that you can understand what is necessary to improve your risk profile and we can help you implement the plan.  

Tim Danks is also featured on our Features Page.


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