Peter Sorgenfrei

Headshot of Peter Sorgenfrei

Peter Sorgenfrei

Chief Executive Officer
Technology, Automotive
Copenhagen, Denmark

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Peter Sorgenfrei is the Executive Advisory of PeterSorgenfrei, and was previously the CEO of Holo, the premier operator of autonomous vehicles in Europe.

Before that Peter spent 16 years in the US and the UK until 2016 developing products, services, and businesses for a diverse range of employers and clients like DaimlerChrysler, Toyota, UBS, Unilever, AB InBev and American Express.

His area of expertise is predicting consumer and technology trends 20+ years out in the future. Peter has worked on Wall Street for UBS as an equity analyst and has founded his own product and service development consultancy, before moving to London in 2013 and then Denmark in 2016.

Peter Sorgenfrei works with Investors, Boards, and Leadership teams to develop people and grow companies. He’s been there and done that (including a plethora of mistakes). He now helps others lead healthier and happier professional and personal lives.

Before this, Peter introduced #selfdriving vehicles across Europe – – live mixed-use traffic operations in five countries. The largest dedicated team in the industry of shared, sustainable and autonomous transport.

Peter Sorgenfrei has 20+ years experience in marketing, intelligence, technology and strategy, working as a trusted advisor to corporations worldwide and running teams in Europe, North America, and Asia.

There are four things Peter is passionate about professionally: growing businesses, developing great teams, serving internal and external clients, and having his work effect positive change. Peter is a numbers guy with a Master’s Degree in Economics but have been drawn to creative solutions his entire life. He’s had a diverse mix of problem-solving experiences working for category leaders such as UBS, Toyota, and Ipsos.

Peter Sorgenfrei is also featured on our premiere Features Page.


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