5 Keys to Remote Business Success Every Founder Needs to Know in 2021

two women discussing business success at a desk with a laptop

The rapid and constant economic changes of 2020 prompted many business owners to rethink their strategies for the new year. Widespread pandemic closures and isolation measures forced companies of all sizes to establish an online presence just to survive. A remote business structure is no longer simply one option among many – it is absolutely essential to success! In this shifting climate, Progressive Tech Founder, Richard Roth lays out the expert blueprint for creating a streamlined online business model built for thriving performance. Here’s the 5 keys to remote business success every found needs to know.

“Most people hear ‘IT support’ and think ‘major headache,’ and for good reason,” explains Roth, “A lot of tech companies out there play ‘pass-the-buck’ with client issues, giving them the runaround or using confusing ‘tech speak’ when customers need tangible, right-now solutions.”

In fact, Roth founded Progressive Tech to offer a better approach: a team of real people locally based in Seattle, and ready to find real solutions to every tech problem from start to finish – no matter how complex. This season, in preparation for a successful new year, Roth provides 5 keys to remote business success that entrepreneurs can use right now to build momentum for 2021:

  1. Use top security measures across the board. You’re only as secure as your weakest technology/at-home user. Consult with a company like Progressive Techto make sure all hardware/software are up-to-date and that employees are following security best practices.
  2. Expect problems. Even large companies with million-dollar IT budgets fall victim to hacking. Make sure computers and devices – many of which last only 3 to 5 years – are updated with the most recent security software measures.
  3. Brush up on phishing tactics. The majority of today’s threats come from hackers tricking users into clicking on fake websites or email links in order to extract information and gain system access. Make sure you and your team are informed and prepared to recognize such attempts.
  4. “Free Wi-Fi” isn’t truly free. Using an unsecured public Wi-Fi connection enables hackers to position themselves between you and the connection point, gaining access to your system or distributing malware.
  5. File share with caution. Just as free Wi-Fi has the potential to allow hackers access to your system, file sharing across a network provides a similar opening to easily plant infected software on your computer.

Richard Roth is the Founder of Progressive Tech, Seattle’s highest-rated technical support company, famous for a distinctively human-centric approach to client care. For more than a decade, Roth led the company toward steady growth throughout the area’s initial “tech boom,” holding a strong position within a notoriously competitive industry. Aside from hard-earned experience in the field, the secrets behind his long-term staying power include an approach built on real, relational investment in customers and staff, along with a steadfast commitment to superior service from start to finish. He likes to share his 5 keys to remote business success with other entrepreneurs.


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Richard Roth
Richard Roth is the Founder of Progressive Tech, Seattle’s highest-rated technical support company, famous for a distinctively human-centric approach to client care. For more than a decade, Roth led the company toward steady growth throughout the area’s initial “tech boom,” holding a strong position within a notoriously competitive industry. Aside from hard-earned experience in the field, the secrets behind his long-term staying power include an approach built on real, relational investment in customers and staff, along with a steadfast commitment to superior service from start to finish.