How Vacuum Technology Helps the Medical Industry

How Vacuum Technology Helps the Medical Industry

Hospitals are a hub for fantastic scientific innovations, especially when it comes to vacuum technology. While vacuum technology aids in various industries, it flexes its muscles in the health field. Let’s learn all the different ways of how vacuum technology helps the medical industry.

Central Medical Vacuum Systems

When there is a need for anesthesia during intensive care, doctors utilize the central vacuum system in the room. Typically, these systems have pumps, controls, and a buffer tank on the floor that aid patients with breathing complications. Installing such systems is critical in caring for those who are suffering from potentially life-threatening problems.

Vacuum Ovens

After the end of every car wash, you get blasted with hurricane-like winds that dry off your vehicle. A vacuum oven’s purpose is the same, just without the hurricane winds. The ovens specialize in drying very delicate items at extremely high temperatures, which helps sterilize medical devices and glassware.

Vacuum Cushions & Mattresses

Transporting a patient around the hospital can be challenging, especially if you need to take them from the ambulances to surgery immediately. Vacuum mattresses allow patients to be secure and not fall onto the ground. These mattresses have tiny plastic spheres that form into the shape of the patient’s body, keeping them locked in.

Wound Closure

Getting a wound to heal correctly is a tedious process to follow. Luckily, vacuum-assisted technology may speed up the healing time by eliminating the air pressure on the wound. The wound will start to swell less and remove any harmful bacteria that remain. Lastly, this technology allows for the growth of new tissue by pulling the edges of the wound together.


Developing prosthetics requires precision to give the patient the best comfort and fit. This procedure will have you using vacuum equipment to create a sponge. After completing the sponge, a vacuum will melt it into a liquid before making it solid again, creating a titanium ingot.

As you can see, vacuums’ only purpose isn’t for getting crumbs off your carpet. Learning how vacuum technology helps the medical industry gives you an in-depth perspective of how vital healthcare innovation is.


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