Nick Slettengren Feature

Nick Slettengren headshot in black suit

Nick Slettengren Feature

Nick Slettengren is the co-founder and CEO of Count On Sheep.

Nick Slettengren is a Digital Marketer by trade and Crypto Entrepreneur by evolution. He was Co-Founder of Power Digital Marketing, a digital agency and exited twice with the figure rumored to be in the range of several hundred million dollars. Nick has been involved in the Crypto industry since 2015 as an investor, miner, and now runs a leading Crypto Accounting Firm specializing in Crypto Tax Savings based in San Diego, CA.

[Q U I C K   N O T E S]

  • Position:  Co-Founder, CEO
  • Industry: Web3, Accounting, Entrepreneur
  • Location:  San Diego, CA, USA
  • Website: Count On Sheep
  • LinkedIn: Nick Slettengren

Nick, can you start off by telling us about yourself and why you chose entrepreneurship?

I’ve always been drawn to the idea of entrepreneurship from a young age. The concept of being my own captain, making my own decisions, and taking full responsibility for those decisions—whether they lead to success or failure—has always intrigued me. I saw entrepreneurship as a path to true freedom, where I could carve out my own path and shape my future according to my vision and efforts. This desire for autonomy and the challenge of building something from the ground up has been a driving force in my life, pushing me to pursue various entrepreneurial ventures and continually seek out new opportunities.

Nick Slettengren headshot with sport jacket over his shoulder

Tell us about your vision of your company in the next 2-3 years.

Our vision at Count On Sheep is to revolutionize the crypto tax landscape and become the undisputed leader in the field.

In the short term (24 months), our primary focus is on the B2C market. We aim to be the go-to solution for individuals navigating the complexities of crypto tax preparation. We will achieve this through a combination of:

  • Industry Standard Processes: Continually enhancing our proprietary processes to simplify and optimize savings for crypto tax reporting.
  • Exceptional customer service: Providing leading experts in the field and white glove service.
  • Strategic partnerships: Collaborating with key players in the crypto ecosystem.

In the medium to long term (5 years), we’ll expand our focus to the B2B market. We envision becoming the premier provider of crypto accounting solutions for businesses of all sizes. This will involve developing specialized processes and services tailored to the unique needs of businesses dealing with crypto assets.

Global Expansion:

Our ambition doesn’t stop at national borders. Within the next three years, we plan to establish a global presence, with a focus on key financial hubs like London, Dubai, and Hong Kong. This expansion will allow us to tap into new markets, reach a wider audience, and solidify our position as the global leader in crypto tax and accounting. Ultimately, our vision is for Count On Sheep to be synonymous with crypto tax expertise and innovation. We are committed to empowering both individuals and businesses to confidently navigate the ever-evolving world of crypto finance.

Can you tell us what drives you to be successful as an entrepreneur and CEO?

My drive as an entrepreneur and CEO stems from three core passions:

  1. A love for emerging technologies: The ever-changing landscape of tech is incredibly exciting. I thrive on understanding how new innovations work, their potential impact, and how we can harness them to solve real problems. The crypto space, in particular, is fascinating due to its disruptive nature and potential to reshape finance.
  2. Finding underserved needs in early-stage industries: I have a knack for identifying bottlenecks or pain points that others might overlook. In emerging industries like crypto, where regulations and best practices are still evolving, there are immense opportunities to create solutions that make a significant difference. Crypto tax preparation is a prime example, where complexity and lack of guidance create a major hurdle for individuals and businesses alike.
  3. Building and empowering teams: I believe in the power of collective intelligence and the ingenuity of the next generation. Building diverse teams and giving them the autonomy to explore, create, and lead in emerging markets is incredibly rewarding. It fosters a culture of innovation, accelerates our growth, and opens doors to new possibilities.

Combining these passions, I’m driven to lead Count On Sheep to become a pioneer in the crypto tax and accounting space. It’s about more than just building a successful business; it’s about making a meaningful impact on an industry that’s poised to change the world.

Nick Slettengren headshot standing in kitchen

What’s the one or two accomplishments that you’re proud of?

There are two accomplishments that hold a special place in my heart.

First and foremost, it would have to be my family. My journey hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but through the challenges, I’ve found incredible love and happiness. My divorce and subsequent marriage to the love of my life brought a beautiful blended family into existence. Building an exceptional and fun life with my daughter Mia and stepson Landon is my greatest source of pride. I’ve learned the importance of taking accountability when I stumble, and this family is a testament to how those lessons can lead to something truly wonderful.

On the professional front, I’m immensely proud of Power Digital Marketing. Founding that company in 2012 and watching it grow into a national leader in digital marketing was an incredible journey. It was more than just business success – we set a new standard for data-driven marketing and fostered a team and culture that were second to none. The fact that Power Digital has been acquired twice, adding two successful exits to my entrepreneurial path, is the icing on the cake. I’m truly grateful for both of these accomplishments, as they’ve shaped me into the person and leader I am today.

What advice do you have for other up-and-coming entrepreneurs?

To those aspiring entrepreneurs out there, here’s some advice from my own experiences:

  1. Specialization is Key: Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Instead, choose one specific area or niche and strive to be among the top 5% in that field. This focused approach allows you to truly master your craft, differentiate yourself from the competition, and ultimately provide exceptional value.
  2. Technology is the Future: While there are certainly opportunities in other industries, technology has historically proven to be a lucrative path for entrepreneurs. Tech companies tend to command higher valuations and offer greater exit potential. By aligning yourself with technology, you’re positioning yourself for long-term success.
  3. Gain Experience First: Before diving headfirst into entrepreneurship, consider working for a company in the sector you want to disrupt. This gives you invaluable firsthand experience, exposing you to both the strengths and weaknesses of existing players. Use this time to learn the ropes, identify gaps in the market, and build a network of contacts. Think of it as a paid internship for your future venture.

Are you active on social media professionally?  If so, what platforms work best for engaging your followers?

I’m not as active as I should be. However, I have such a talented team of CPAs that came from the “Big Four” accounting firms that are active on our social media channels that provide more value through explanation than I would typically. I urge anyone wanting to learn more about crypto tax and accounting to reach out to one of our channels. Here is our link tree with all our social media channels:

Who was your biggest influence?

My biggest influence has been Bernhard Schroeder, my former mentor from the LAVIN Entrepreneurship Center at SDSU. He took a chance on me and admitted me into the first entrepreneurship program at SDSU. Through his guidance, I learned a lot and he was a major proponent in my starting my marketing agency, Power Digital. His mentorship has been invaluable in shaping my career.

What is the most challenging part of your work as a CEO?

The most challenging part of my work as a CEO is balancing consistency with the need to stay flexible enough to make quick changes in a rapidly evolving industry. Ensuring that our core values and strategies remain stable while also being agile enough to adapt to new trends and opportunities is a constant balancing act. This requires a keen understanding of both our long-term goals and the shifting landscape of our industry.

What do you have your sights set on next?

Personally, I have my course locked in for the next five years with Count On Sheep. My goal is to achieve another exit within this timeframe, setting the company up for future growth in the industry. Additionally, I aim to create opportunities for the next generation of accountants, who will most likely be focused on cryptocurrency. This vision includes fostering innovation and preparing our team for the evolving financial landscape.

What is a day in your life like?

A day in my life always starts with family. I begin with having coffee with my wife and talking with my kids before I drive them to school. Then I head into the office and focus on our team’s growth goals in the morning. Around lunch, I take time for myself through exercise, either working with a trainer or surfing if the conditions are right. In the afternoon, I finalize my goals and workflow for the day. I try to pick up the kids from school, as I didn’t have that luxury from my parents growing up, and I attend their sports activities. We then have dinner as a family, I tuck the kids in, and make time to hang out with my wife and plan our future. It’s a relatively balanced life, combining family, work, and personal time.

Nick Slettengren surfing in the ocean

Do you have any hobbies?

I grew up in San Diego, and I have a deep love for the ocean, with surfing being a particular passion of mine. Additionally, I’ve gotten into Padel ball, a sport that is slowly growing in popularity next to pickleball. Both activities keep me active and connected to the vibrant outdoor lifestyle I enjoy.

What makes you smile?

People winning around me.

What are you never without?

I’m never without my phone—it’s definitely a love-hate relationship. It keeps me connected and organized, but it also means I’m always within reach for work and responsibilities.

What scares you?


What is your favorite vacation spot?

My favorite vacation spots include Greece because of the stunning Mediterranean beauty and the picturesque islands surrounding it. The Amalfi Coast is another favorite due to its incredible food and breathtaking scenery. Dubai captivates me with its exotic and culturally diverse environment. Lastly, I love Ibiza for its vibrant music scene and energetic atmosphere. Each of these destinations offers a unique and enriching experience.

Other work, published articles, interviews or accomplishments:

~ Nick

Nick Slettengren Feature


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