Nick Slettengren

Headshot of Founder Nick Slettengren

Nick Slettengren

Technology, Web3, Entrepreneur
San Diego, CA, USA

Listen to Nick’s Podcast!

Nick Slettengren is the founder and CEO of Count On Sheep.

Nick Slettengren is a Digital Marketer by trade and Crypto Entrepreneur by evolution. He was Co-Founder of Power Digital Marketing a digital agency and exited twice with the figure rumored to be in the range of several hundred million dollars. Nick has been involved in the Crypto industry since 2015 as an investor, miner, and now runs a leading Crypto Accounting Firm specializing in Crypto Tax Savings based in San Diego, CA.

Count On Sheep

Count On Sheep is a leading Crypto Tax Preparation service. They have coined the term “Digital Asset Reconciliation” (“DAR”), which is an all-encompassing process in which our experts reconcile crypto portfolios through the use of technical forensic blockchain analysis to accurately track cost basis across the blockchain. The DAR process is the only effective way to confidently and accurately report their clients’ crypto activities while optimizing tax treatment compliant with the IRS. This process is comprehensive and includes reconciling NFTs, DeFi, mining, liquidity pools, and all other transactions within the cryptosphere.

Read more on The Ultimate Guide to Crypto Taxes.

Nick Slettengren is also featured on our premiere Features Page, and you can read his full podcast interview transcript here.


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