Different Industries That Benefit From 3D Printing

Why 3D Printing is the Future of the Manufacturing Industry

Many companies are beginning to adopt the use of 3D printing in their businesses. While it offers manufacturing solutions and other benefits to their companies, it can help you lower your costs and increase productivity. So, what is 3D Printing, and what does it provide for the varying industries around it? Here are different industries that benefit from 3D Printing.

What is 3D Printing?

First and foremost, what is 3D printing itself? 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, makes three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It was developed in the 1980s and allowed companies to create prototypes quickly and more accurately.

Over time, 3D printing has become more diverse in its use and incorporation. Many job occupants such as manufacturers, engineers, designers, educators, medics, and hobbyists use it to their benefit.

Uses of 3D Printing

Simply put, 3D printing consists of building up layer after layer of molten plastic to create a three-dimensional object. While each layer sets, the next layer is then printed on top, thus building the object.

3D printing is incorporated into educational settings, like schools and learning facilities. It can also benefit medical facilities with bioprinting and its ability to create 3D printed prosthetics. Also, the manufacturing business can take advantage of rapid prototyping to reduce time and costs compared to traditional injection-molded prototypes.

Businesses That Benefit

There are many different industry understandings that benefit from 3D printing, so many businesses take advantage of the technology. Besides manufacturing and the educational industries, others deserve mention, as well. They are below.


The robotics industry benefits significantly from the use of 3D printing. It can offer customizability and even reduce weight in robot mechanisms. Parts such as grippers and sensor mounts can be expensive, so 3D printing cuts down on cost while adding efficiency. 3D Printing is incorporated into end-use pieces and gives the robotics a weight cut, as well.


The automotive industry hasn’t been shy about its use of 3D printing. Brands like Audi incorporate it, using printed tooling and fixtures that aid in the manufacturing process. 3D printing can be used to replace worn parts on older cars, as well. It can preserve the legacy of some cars without too much money being spent.


When it comes to the aerospace industry, it’s crucial to have the highest quality of part performance. Aerospace parts must withstand rapid temperature changes and chemical exposures and remain as light as possible for travel. So, aerospace industries use 3D printing inspection tooling to reduce low-volume part costs.


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