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Security and the Future of Synthetic Media

Say the words “synthetic media,'' and most people will immediately think of deepfakes. With the rise in stories about issues with deepfakes and the...

Lessons from Georgia

Corporations are being told that silence equals violence. These are the lessons from Georgia. So, it comes as no surprise that the leaders of Major...

Dan Granger

Dan Granger Founder & CEOTechnology, EntrepreneurLos Angeles, CA, USA Listen to Dan's Podcast! Dan Granger is Founder and CEO of Oxford Road, the leading independent audio agency...

Teresa Phillips

Teresa Phillips Co-Founder and CEOTechnology, EntrepreneurSilicon Valley, CA, USA Listen to Teresa's Podcast! Teresa Phillips is the Co-founder and CEO of Spherex, a global technology and data...

Aaron Kwittken

Aaron Kwittken Founder & CEO, PRophetTechnology, Media, PRNew York, NY, USA Listen to Aaron's Podcast! Aaron Kwittken is founder and CEO of PRophet, an AI-driven PR SaaS...

Creating Space for New Ideas

At GoldieBlox, we are a multimedia company rewriting the script for young girls by empowering them with digital-first content and creative products that spark...


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