Pavol Rusnák

Headshot of Pavol Rusnák

Pavol Rusnák

Co-Founder & CEO
Technology, Entrepreneur
Prague, Czechoslovakia

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Pavol Rusnák is a co-founder, CTO and core developer of SatoshiLabs, where he is leading the development of software and hardware projects such as TREZOR, the first hardware wallet.

Pavol Rusnák is an open-source and cypherpunk enthusiast, that is also interested in artificial intelligence and cognitive science in general.

In his spare time, he is working on award-winning, hi-tech, experimental, new media interactive installations. Pavol Rusnák stands behind many security industry standards. He is well known to the world’s cryptocurrency community as one of the most influential visionaries and innovators.


We are technology pioneers developing products that secure individual autonomy and privacy. Innovation drives our brand success, putting us in a unique position where we get to focus on projects that matter, without having to compromise.

SatoshiLabs established the cryptocurrency hardware wallet industry in 2013 with Trezor and hasn’t stopped innovating since. Our pioneering team delivers secure solutions to real-world problems, with Tropic Square creating the first auditable secure chip, Invity bringing new ways to access crypto, and Trezor developing new secure hardware and interfaces.

Trezor, the original bitcoin hardware wallet, has developed into a multi-functional device that meets the needs of advanced and beginner users alike. Its success has enabled SatoshiLabs’ rapid expansion across its three constituent companies, as part of a unified strategy to meet new global challenges with cutting-edge solutions. We champion independence, innovation and secure access to finance for everyone, everywhere.

Pavol Rusnák is also featured on our premiere Features Page.


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