Jess Ponce

Headshot of Coach and Speaker Jess Ponce

Jess Ponce

Coach and Speaker
Celebrity Coach, Entrepreneur
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Listen to Jess’s Podcast!

Jess Ponce is best known for working with top actors, actresses and TV professionals where he teaches these personalities how to be the best version of themselves. When was the last time you saw someone stumble on camera? They didn’t have Jess’ guidance. Those who know how to answer questions swiftly with an impact are those who have benefited from Jess’ guidance.

Recognized as a top media coach and branding expert, Jess Ponce III uses laser-focused training to help professionals from all industries and walks of life strengthen their presentation, leadership, and media skills so they can shine when they need it most—in any speaking arena.

Lucasfilm, The Walt Disney Company, HGTV, LinkedIn, The Ritz Carlton, and BNP Paribas are some of the internationally known brand leaders who have called on Jess Ponce III to coach their executives, spokespeople and talent.

The author of “Everyday Celebrity,” Jess has worked with over 2500 celebrities and more than 1500 TV hosts, experts, authors and spokespeople. He has coached executives of Fortune 500 companies, creative professionals, and TEDx speakers to strengthen their presentation, leadership, and media skills for business events that regularly include press interviews, internal communications, conferences, and corporate conversations.

A media and communication coach and personal branding expert, Jess created The A Factor®, a methodology for what he has coined “The Art of Authentic Self Promotion.” Professionals from all industries benefit from his laser-focused training on how to shine when they need it most.
Jess is the creative force behind Media 2×3, a U.S. based media-company that develops and packages personality, entrepreneurial, and media talent. As a business opportunity manager for his clients, Jess strengthens individual brands through negotiating sponsorships, media opportunities, and speaking engagements.

Jess is also a speaker and workshop facilitator for The Awesome Group in Taipei and its affiliates in Hong Kong and Mainland China. He co-created multiple programs that focus on communication and public speaking for adults and youth. As the go-to media coach for Disney Channel, he is no stranger when it comes to working with children.

His vast experience comes from the world of entertainment where he produced and developed programming for ABC, Warner Bros., E! Entertainment, Style, TV Guide Network, and MTV. He’s fused this with executive coach training to create a unique, specialized offer.

Talk to Hollywood’s personal branding coach!

The Everyday Celebrity by Jess Ponce III helps up-and-coming and seasoned talent, no matter the industry, identify their personal brands and confidently communicate their irresistible offers by utilizing the promotional secrets of Hollywood’s biggest names.

For CEOs and Executives:
• Pitching to a wide range of audiences, from investors to consumers
• Amplifying media opportunities for more profitable results
• Mastering the art of authentic self-promotion to become the most powerful ambassador for yourself and your company

For Influencers and Media Talent:
• Designing powerful messages that stick online and off
• Discovering your own celebrity essence and innate star quality
• Producing measurable outcomes through a personal and compelling call to action

For Leaders and Subject Matter Experts:
Talk Topics

Creating your own celebrity-like appeal Communicating your irresistible offer with clarity, confidence, and charisma
Leveraging your influence with strategy, intention, and authenticity

Work with Jess Ponce III

Once you find who you really are, you’ll shine like a super star.

Jess Ponce III works with global brands such as Nestle, HGTV, The MSL Group, Universal, The Ritz Carlton, CBS and Disney. Jess has worked with over 2500 celebrities and more than 1500 TV hosts, experts, authors and spokespeople. He has coached executives of Fortune 500 companies, creative executives, and TEDx speakers to strengthen their presentation, leadership, and media skills


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