Danny Reardon

Headshot of Co-founder Danny Reardon

Danny Reardon

FinTech, Investor, Tech, Entrepreneur
Raleigh, NC, USA

Listen to Danny’s Podcast!

Danny Reardon is a co-founder of EFX Algo.

Founded by Danny Reardon, Bogdan Padua, and Joe Amara, EFX Algo is an innovative, fully-automated trading bot designed to provide 100% hands-free, high-return investment opportunities by transforming yearly gains into monthly profits, previously exclusive to an educational network and now available to the general public. The software is designed to manage investments and execute trades in the financial markets without the need for manual intervention.

EFX Algo

See How EFX Algo Users Are Leveraging Algorithmic Trading To Produce Market Beating Returns Without Professional Trading Experience Or Huge Time Commitments.

  • Leverage The Virtually Hands-Free 8-Algorithmic Intelligence Trading Bot.
  • ​Use the conservative, neutral, and aggressive trading software.
  • ​Stop gambling with your money or manually trading once and for all while diversifying your portfolio.
  • ​Never look for trade ideas again, do fundamental analysis, or place and monitor trades.
  • ​Join other retail investors that are beating market volatility and achieving peace of mind through this tool.
  • ​Be in full control of the power of the algorithm and pull profits whenever you’d like.
  • ​Experience our 71% Trade win rate while checking your account for only a few minutes per week.

For more information, please visit EFX Algo.

Danny Reardon is also featured on our premiere Features Page, and you can read his podcast interview transcript.


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