Ablorde Ashigbi

Headshot of Ablorde Ashigbi

Ablorde Ashigbi

Founder & CEO
Technology, Entrepreneur
Chicago, IL, USA

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Ablorde Ashigbi is the Founder and CEO of 4Degrees, a Chicago-based technology company applying machine intelligence to help teams in relationship-driven industries manage their most important source of opportunity – their professional networks.

4Degrees is a startup with a vision to equalize opportunity by enabling you to build stronger professional relationships.

The 4Degrees platform identifies the right connections for you to focus on, works with you to strengthen those relationships over time, and helps you activate your network when you need it.

Prior to 4Degrees, Ablorde Ashigbi has held various investor and consultancy positions at companies including Pritzker Group Venture Capital, Bain & Company and G2 Crowd. When he’s not doing that, you can usually find him lifting weights, reading books or eating BBQ.


Deals don’t just happen on their own. They happen by building, managing, and scaling relationships. At 4Degrees, they understand the immense value of relationships, so they build a platform that brings your network to life.

The 4Degrees Relationship Intelligence CRM Platform empowers relationship-focused professionals like you by identifying the right connections to focus on while helping you strengthen those relationships and activate your network when you need it.

Whether you’re starting from spreadsheets or looking to level up from your existing systems, we’d love to help you and your team maximize your relationship network potential.

Ablorde Ashigbi is also featured on our premiere Features Page.


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