Tina Klugman Feature

Headshot photo of Tina Klugman Feature on Coruzant

Tina Klugman is a freelance writer and editor. She graduated from The University of Central Missouri with a B.S. in Journalism and served as an editor for the school newspaper. Upon graduation, she worked as an intern for Kansas City Magazine. For the past 15 years, Tina has been a freelance writer for several online and print publications and is currently a contributor and Founding Fellow for Coruzant Technologies.

[Q U I C K   N O T E S]

  • Position:  Financial, Author
  • Industry:  FinTech
  • Location:  Kansas City, USA
  • Website:  N/A
  • LinkedIn: Tina Klugman

Tina, can you start off by telling us about yourself and why you pursued a journalism career?

I have loved English, grammar and spelling since I was little. Journalism seemed like a natural path to pursue when it came time to choose a major. Writing is something I thoroughly enjoy.

Can you tell us about your freelance writing and any other content services you provide?

I have over 20 years of writing experience and have worked with magazines, newspapers, and online publications. I provide advertorial, feature articles, newsletters, press releases, and web content.

What attracts you to write, especially in your spare time?

Writing is a creative outlet for me. I find it to be a great learning experience because there is a lot of research involved. It is also quite therapeutic and helps me gain perspective on the world.

Tina Klugman in sequin dress

What types of publications do you write for, and what’s typically your favorite topic(s)?

I primarily write for magazines and online publications. I love to write about various topics and learn new things along the way. I especially love to write about the human experience and what makes people tick.

Which social media networks work best for you when marketing your services?

I have met many editors and publishers through LinkedIn. I am also a member of various groups on Facebook for freelance writers, which are great for networking.

As a content writer, how does freelancing differ from working in a traditional company?

Freelancing provides greater freedom than working in a traditional company, but it also comes with unique challenges. It helps to be a self-starter and to maintain a level of accountability and professionalism for yourself and others while freelancing.

Were you ever influenced by other entrepreneurs or writers?

I am constantly discovering inspiring writers and entrepreneurs. Many writers are very generous with advice on how to get started and grow a writing career, and there are many helpful resources available for freelancers.

What is the most challenging part of your work?

Writing is a creative process, and it can be a struggle to consistently come up with ideas for content. Many writers also worry about content saturation. I find it best to write freely instead of writing to please.

Tina Klugman with her youngest daughterWhat do you have your sights set on next?

I plan to continue to grow my freelance career through networking.

What is a day in your life like?

My daughter runs into my room first thing in the morning, flips on my blindingly bright ceiling light and yells, “Mama, get up! It’s MORNING!” After grabbing mom drink #1 (coffee), the rest of the day is spent playing with my three monkeys (kids) and squeezing in time to work and write until it’s time for mom drink #2 (wine). Then I corral the monkeys into their beds, clean up, corral the monkeys into their beds a few more times, and pass out.

Do you have any hobbies?

Writing, hiking, biking, cooking, and traveling.

What makes you smile?

My three silly kids (they take after their mama) and my friends, who can make me laugh until my sides hurt.

Tina Klugman sitting on couch with her 3 young children

What are you never without?

My iPhone, of course!

What scares you?

A cage.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?

I absolutely love Italy. It was my favorite trip and I would go back in a heartbeat: Lake Como, Florence, and Positano are my favorite places.

List any other work, published articles, interviews or accomplishments:

Here is a link to selected samples of some of my published work: https://www.clippings.me/users/tklugman

~ Tina


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