According to a Statista poll, there are already 4.3 billion email subscribers globally. And the same study suggests that this number will increase to 4.6 billion by 2025. Considering these numbers, one thing is clear: your business can’t afford the absence of an effective email marketing strategy, especially when more than half of the planet uses email.
But when most people hear the term ‘email marketing,’ they think about spam hitting their inboxes. So, how can you change this mindset and do email marketing right? What can you do to make your emails as well received as a lovely letter? If you want the answers to these questions, this is the place for you.
Thus, let’s dig in.
What Is Email Marketing?
Email marketing is different and relatively straightforward from ranking in search engines or posting something to social media because it doesn’t have many confusing features and evolving algorithms. But what exactly is email marketing?
Well, HubSpot has defined this digital marketing strategy in the following way:
“Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves sending promotional messages or newsletters to a list of subscribers via email. The goal is building customer relationships, promoting products or services, increasing brand awareness, and ultimately driving sales” (Perricone, 2023).
Gleaning from above, it is clear that email marketing focuses on increasing a business’s revenue by forming relationships with people. So, building relationships with people prevents an email from going into the spam folder to be readable. But how can you create such emails? Let’s find out the answer to this question in the next section.
Mastering Email Marketing Secrets for Digital Success
To put it in a nutshell, you can master the email marketing strategy by focusing on the following four tricks:
- Create a mailing list.
- Preserve the integrity of that list.
- Craft valuable emails
- Send regular emails.
But these tricks are superficially simple, as they need a more profound understanding or analysis to be successfully comprehended. So, let’s get into the details of these four tricks.
1. Build an Email List
As you know, purchasing fans or subscribers for a social media account or YouTube channel is forbidden. In the same way, buying or renting an email list is also prohibited.
Buying or renting an email list will result in a poorly performing email marketing strategy, as it can affect your brand’s appearance, lead to low open rates, and even result in substantial fines due to privacy laws. So, what should you do when you’re prohibited from buying or renting an email list?
Well, you can focus on building a quality email list. And here are some approaches that can help you do that:
- You can create free eBooks on popular topics, such as ‘How to Become an Influencer?’ or ‘Everything You Need to Know About Data Visualization!’.
- You can offer a free service trial, an online seminar, or some other experience.
But you must know that whatever you provide must be compelling enough to get people to divulge their personal email addresses. So, here are some additional strategies on how you can make your offer valuable to users:
- On your Landing Page Templates, consider integrating a pop-up to collect email addresses. This strategic approach signals that visitors to your landing pages find value and might be open to receiving additional information after spending time on the page. This practice is crucial for effective email marketing.
- If your business involves online ordering, we recommend prompting customers to ‘Opt-In to Emails.’ Doing this can encourage customers to sign up for your email list when they purchase.
2. Maintain List Health
Without question, the strategy you choose to create your email lists will determine your future success. But maintaining your list’s health is just as important.
As the name indicates, ‘maintaining an email list’ entails regularly cleaning it to target particular individuals and eliminating addresses that never read your emails. But you might wonder, what harm could there possibly be in sending emails to those who don’t open them?
Well, you should know that the ‘engagement ratio’ is one of the metrics email algorithms use to determine the spam nature of emails. So, the more emails you send that are never opened, the more likely the email providers will classify your emails as spam. Therefore, scrubbing people off your email list every six to 12 months is essential.
Now, when it comes to ‘targeting specific people’ in emails, you will have to perform segmentation. For instance, you can choose from different types of segmentations, such as
- Behavioral segmentation—dividing your customers according to their previous interactions with your brand.
- Demographical segmentation—categorizing your list according to company size, geography, or other relevant factors for your organization.
3. Craft Valuable Emails
According to research posted by Campaign Monitor, the average office worker receives around 120-126 emails daily, which is enormous considering the daily 8-hour shift. Out of those 120-126 emails, 40 are essential business emails requiring a response, whereas the rest are vying for attention. So, you must compete and stand out from the rest of the 80-86 emails. And several tactics can help you do so.
As a matter of fact, we can create an entire blog post on the techniques that can help you make your emails stand out. But let’s discuss the most essential ones here.
1. Write a Clear and Compelling Subject Line
Since the subject line is the first thing your audience will see, start with a clear and compelling subject line. So, use 50 characters or less to write a valuable subject line. And don’t include clickbait or deceptive titles to make your subject line compelling. Otherwise, you can lose your audience’s trust.
2. Add Personalization
If you’ve implemented the previously discussed two tricks, you will have a segmented list by now. So, use that to write tailored content for the target audience. This involves using the recipient’s name and personalizing your email’s content according to their previous interactions with your brand.
3. Focus on the Benefits and Provide Value
Remember the stat we specified earlier about the daily emails an office worker receives? If you do, you will know that your email content must positively impact your audience’s lives. So, for that, mention the benefits by showing how your service or product can help them solve their pain points.
4. Keep the Email Content Clear, Simple, and Engaging
People don’t have time to read emails containing lengthy chunks of text. So, keep your email message simple, engaging, and neat. For instance, you can use simple or easy-to-read wording and avoid complex sentences to encourage text engagement.
But some people just don’t have a knack for writing emails in simple language. So, if you’re one of them, consider simplifying your complex text with AI-based paraphraser tools. A paraphrasing tool helps you simplify email marketing by changing complex words with easy synonyms and restructuring sentences. This way, you can easily make the email content clear and engaging for the audience.
Once you’re done writing emails in simple language, try to add relevant visuals to the content to increase the overall engagement of your email message.
5. Use Clear and Persuasive CTAs
You want your audience to take some action upon reading your email message. Therefore, don’t forget to include clear and compelling call-to-actions inside your email’s content.
6. Send Emails According to Your Schedule
Now that you have crafted a valuable email, it’s time to send it. So, maintain a specific sending schedule because you don’t want to annoy your audience. But before tapping on the sending button, it is essential to perform a few checks. So,
- Check the content for grammar and spelling mistakes using any reliable grammar checker.
- Make sure that the template you’ve chosen for your Mobile App Development Services email is just as user-friendly on mobile devices as it is on desktop systems.
- Run a spam test before sending the email to ensure it passes through filters successfully.
- Check whether the CTA links are working fine or not.
Once you’ve done all these things, your email will be ready to send. So, send the email.
Note: When someone shows interest in your product or service through the email message you’ve sent, remember to engage with them and continue the conversation. Doing so will nurture leads over time.
All in all, mastering the art of email marketing requires a strategic approach and a focus on four essential tricks: building an email list, maintaining list health, crafting valuable emails, and sending them. By diligently growing your email list, targeting the right audience, and occasionally engaging with them, you lay a strong foundation for successful email campaigns.
However, prioritizing list health through regular list cleaning and ensuring compliance with email regulations will enhance deliverability and engagement rates. So, consistently provide value to your subscribers through relevant and compelling content. Doing so will help you drive meaningful results, establish trust, and foster customer loyalty.