Kellie Lease Stecher

Headshot photo of Kellie Stecher

Kellie Stecher

Physician, Journalist
Healthcare, Technology
Minneapolis, MN USA

Kellie’s Podcast!

Kellie Stecher is an OBGYN at M Health Fairview Women’s Center in Edina and Eden Prairie. She has won the Minneapolis/St. Paul Magazine’s Top Doctor’s Rising Star award for the last three years. 

Her work has made her an invaluable contributor to both local and national publications. She’s provided content for local news channels and makes regular appearances appears Gynocast, a podcast focusing on women’s health.

Her focus is on the safety of patients and staff and community education. Most recently, she’s become involved with TimesUp Healthcare – an organization fights to ensure work environments are safe for all colleagues.

Kellie has two children, Addison 5 and Joseph 7. She grew up in Wisconsin and transplanted to Minnesota to be near extended family. She’s a proud member alumnus of St. Mary’s University. She plays piano, alto saxophone, and loves jazz. She used to row crew and has recently rediscovered that passion with her rowing simulator.

Kellie fights tirelessly for what’s right and for people who don’t have a voice. She’s made her OBGYN practice a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Her loud, full-hearted laugh is exemplary of an authenticity that’s present in everything she does and brings happiness to every patient she sees.



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