Rahul Karan Sharma Podcast Transcript
Rahul Karan Sharma joins host Brian Thomas on The Digital Executive Podcast.
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Brian Thomas: Welcome to The Digital Executive. Today’s guest is Rahul Karan Sharma. Rahul Karan Sharma, an inspiring leader, dedicated his life to empowering individuals for positive change. As an author, public speaker, and mindset coach, he motivates audiences worldwide with his passion for personal growth.
Raul holds an MBA in human resources and a master’s in organizational development raised in Ujjain, India. He values independence, discipline, and sportsmanship. His literary works, including Habits for Miracles and the best-selling Be Action Oriented offer invaluable career insights with a commitment to servant leadership, Raul excels in building high performing teams and developing leaders.
Well, good afternoon, Raul. Welcome to the show!
Rahul Sharma: Thank you. Thank you for having me on the show.
Brian Thomas: I appreciate it. Absolutely. And I appreciate you jumping on to have a conversation behind the mic today, hailing out of the great state of, well, you’re in Washington, D. C. that’s not really a state, but you’re in that Maryland, Virginia area.
So, I appreciate making the time. And Raul, jumping into the questions, I want to talk about your background a little bit. Growing up in India, how did your upbringing influence your values of independence, discipline, and sportsmanship? And how do these values manifest in your work as a mindset coach and author?
Rahul Sharma: Sure. Great question. I, I would say my value of independence, discipline, and sportsmanship really had a foundation while growing up thanks to the country. Thanks to my family, parents, teachers and independence was basically instilled through the emphasis of. Self-responsibility and self-reliance brand and again, my thanks to my family and the community.
The bigger piece I would say is my boarding school experience. I lived in a boarding school for close to 5 years. And that is where I learned to trust in my own abilities and make decisions independently of discipline. Thanks to my father. I mean, it was the structure routine. We had the expectations set by parents and teachers really made a difference.
And it allowed me to have a steady work schedule, or probably going for practice for my sports. Really building personal habits. That’s something that discipline taught me. And throughout my early childhood, played a lot of sports. And that really helped me to know the importance of teamwork, how we can accept defeat.
It’s not always about winning, you know, you need to accept defeat as well with grace. And how you respect your opponents. Those were the things that really helped me and how I manifested my work independence, allowed me to guide my clients. to know their inner strengths, allow them to take ownership of their personal growth.
That is what I do for my clients. Discipline enables me to provide very structured guidance and accountability to my clients. And I really see that accountability is a very, very big factor. And the sportsmanship allows me to have the collaboration, the empathy factor, And mutual respect between me and my clients to ensure that we are going in the right path.
So, so these, these are some of the things how I educated and how I manifest in my day-to-day work brand.
Brian Thomas: Thank you. And I love the story. You know, a lot of times we learned so much in our youth, but we all had an experience, including myself. I did boarding school for a year and you’ll learn to really work independently.
You grew up very quickly. Obviously. And I just love the story. So, thank you. And Raul, your books, Habit for Miracles and Be Action Oriented have been highly influential. Could you share the key moment or idea that led you to write these books and what impact did you hope they would have on your readers?
Rahul Sharma: Sure. So, so the inspiration Brian was simply my own personal journey, the realization from my journey. And early on, I recognized. The transport transformative power of habits and the crucial role of taking action in achieving meaningful results with habits for miracles, I aimed to convey the message that small and consistent habits can have a very profound impact on our life.
Many times, we look for bigger changes, but my message to my readers is that small and consistent changes can also make a difference. And in my book, I have shared about my own experience some practical strategies. And it is a very good read in terms of if you want to take action, if you want to really make it happen, if you really focused on making an impact in your life this book will tell you some of the trips, some of the tips and tricks of how you can make it happen.
Action oriented was basically derived based on the thought process. That action is the catalyst for progress and success. In this book, I am sharing the five keys. To take consistent action where I hope our readers step out of their comfort zone to pursue their goals with confidence and determination.
So, those were the reasons for me to write these books. And it’s all about my personal journey, personal experience, and it’s all about inspiring others. The end objective is if one person can get inspired through my through my books, that is what I would be feeling very, very happy.
Brian Thomas: That’s awesome. And at the end of the day, you know, you’ve shared your experience, some of your failures, some of your successes. And that helps to show others that they can do the same and I just love the story and the fact that you wrote 2 books. I’m excited to hear about the 3rd one. So, you’re known for motivating audiences worldwide with your passion for personal growth.
What are some of the common challenges people face in their personal growth journey, and how do you advise overcoming them?
Rahul Sharma: Sure, sure. I mean, that’s something I see it day in day out, Brian, and a great question. With the growth and the personal development that we are looking for, sometimes we miss out on the small things.
And that could really hinder our progress. Some of the challenges that I have seen my clients have phases, number one the fear of failure. They have this fear of the unknown, which prevents them from taking risk or going out of their comfort zone. The second common fear or a second common challenge I have seen is self-doubt.
They the confidence because of which they are doubting their own abilities leading them to hesitation or indecision. And the third most I would say is procrastination. There are, they take too many things on their plate. There are too many distractions which lead them to not finish the things that they really need to finish.
So, these are the 3 challenges I have seen fear of failure, self-doubt and procrastination and how I advise my clients to overcome these challenges is number 1. I always see fail as a 1st attempt in learning. I encourage them to embrace failure as a learning opportunity, we never you know, fail.
We always either win or we learn. That is the thought process in my coaching with coaching clients. The second thing is over building the self-confidence many times when we believe when we have the thought process positive thought process. Those are the things that will happen in reality to us. So, if we are thinking about being low on confidence, that is what we’re going to happen because our mind is not able to distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary.
So, I help individuals to build confidence. By recognizing and celebrating their strengths and achievements, even small a win can be celebrated. And that’s what we do during our coaching engagement. And last but not least, I encourage them to take consistent action, no matter whether it is perfect or imperfect, but just focus on taking action because that consistent action is something that will help them moving to the to their goals and dreams.
So, these are some of the things that I see people facing challenges, and this is how I request them to overcome it brand.
Brian Thomas: That’s awesome. Thank you. And I loved you sharing some of the most common things that people experience. Obviously, that holds them back, you know. The fear of failure, self-doubt and procrastination are certainly big drivers in, in really people’s things that hold them back anyway, but I appreciate some of the insights there and, and helping others.
And Raul, last question of the day for our listeners who are aspiring leaders or coaches, what advice would you give them based on your journey and experiences in the field of human resources and organizational development?
Rahul Sharma: Sure. Uh, Well, for aspiring leaders or coaches based on my experience, I would encourage them to focus on these 3 aspects.
Number 1 is. Lead with integrity and authenticity. My request would be to be true to yourself, be transparent with yourself as well as with your clients and demonstrate consistency between your words and action that could lead to an inspiration to the people around you. That is number 1, number 2 foster empathy and emotional intelligence.
Very seldom, I see, you know, leaders they, they focus on the empathy fees. They always focus on the task. They don’t feel or they don’t believe that there is a human angle behind that individual who is working. They always see that laptop in front of the person. So my request would be have that empathy factor, get to know your people, get to know them behind the laptop, behind their workstation, above their job description or the name.
That will really help you. And last but not least, empower your people. Create an environment where you can foster the culture of the environment. Empowerment culture of empowerment by trusting and delegating responsibility to others by even if they are not able to achieve things in the first go, instead of discouraging them, encouraging them, you know, people make mistake.
We all have made a mistake. I have made mistakes. So, we are not perfect from day one. It takes time. So, just reflect on your own journey. And help others to create their journey. So, these are some of the things that I would recommend to our aspiring leaders, new coaches get to know yourself. That is so damn important.
Once you know yourself, you will be able to really make a difference in your life and others’ life.
Brian Thomas: Thank you. That is awesome. And you’re, you’re right. That emotional intelligence, you know, using empathy in your everyday life and encouragement those are huge as far as helping others and promoting really a positive community.
So, thank you again for sharing all that today, Raul. And it was certainly a pleasure having you on, and I look forward to speaking with you real soon.
Rahul Sharma: All right. Thank you, Brian, for having me. I appreciate all your help and assistance.
Brian Thomas: Bye for now.
Rahul Karan Sharma Podcast Transcript. Listen to the audio on the guest’s podcast page.