The Role of API For Business and the Importance of Its Security

laptop with digital padlock to show API for business

Modern companies actively use technologies to optimize their processes and interactions with clients. One of the key tools in this context is API for business, which provide communication between different systems and applications. However, as their use increases, so do the security risks. API vulnerabilities can cause data leaks, financial losses, and reputational problems. That is why API security scanning is becoming an integral part of protecting a company’s digital ecosystem, allowing you to identify and eliminate weaknesses before they are exploited by cybercriminals.

The Role of API for Business

The API was created for convenience. With the help of the API, a company can integrate its product with other applications for storing data, and sending voice and SMS messages.

Depending on the type of access, APIs are divided into the following groups:

  • Internal. They are used to solve corporate problems. Implementing an API in a company allows it to reduce costs and set up smooth business processes.
  • Partner. They are used in business communications with partners or clients of the company with whom agreements have already been established. For example, partner APIs are used to develop web products or integrate software.
  • Open. Such API integrations are public, that is, they can be used by a third party. They are used to promote the program or the company itself.
  • Complex. They consist of several program interfaces for solving multi-stage problems. The main advantage is high performance compared to separate API interfaces.

There are also WEB APIs for creating HTTP services. They are of three types:

  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call). This is a remote procedure call for exchanging files and declaring functions in other processes. The principle of operation: calling remote programs is comparable to declaring functions within the system.
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). This protocol is used to exchange data in distributed systems. It works with application-level protocols.
  • REST (Representational State Transfer). This protocol represents data as resources and uses basic HTTP functions to read, update, and delete objects.

Pros And Cons of Working with API for Business

There are many advantages to using API:

  1. The main advantage of working with API is saving time when developing services. The programmer gets ready-made solutions and does not need to waste time writing code for functionality that has long been implemented.
  2. The API can take into account nuances that a third-party developer may not take into account or simply not know.
  3. The API gives applications a certain consistency and predictability (the same function can be implemented in different applications using the API so that it will be understandable and familiar to all users).
  4. The API gives third-party developers access to closed services.

But there are also disadvantages:

  1. If changes and improvements are made to the main service, they may not immediately get to the API.
  2. The developer has access to ready-made solutions, but he does not know how exactly they are implemented and what the source code looks like.
  3. The API is intended primarily for general use, it may not be suitable for creating some special functionality.

Why Has API Security Become a Business Problem?

By automating malicious API requests, attackers steal personal data, commit fraud with accounts, cards, and loyalty programs, and manipulate orders and products in shopping carts.

Data leaks and thefts lead to financial damage and ruin a company’s reputation. The increase in illegitimate traffic also entails an increase in infrastructure costs. And because of API security issues, application updates are delayed.

Thus, APIs are practically new applications, since more than 80% of web traffic today are API calls. It is becoming increasingly difficult to secure APIs since existing processes and security tools cannot keep up with new threats. The main targets of attacks now include not only public and partner APIs, but also internal, authorized APIs.

What Threatens API?

Some of the threats aimed at API today are traditionally included in the OWASP API Security Top 10 list. The other part is relatively new threats (Zombie/Shadow API, SMS Leak), as well as DDoS and ATO attacks:

  • Zombie API. This is the name for an outdated API, which, due to the lack of regular updates, becomes an easily vulnerable target for attack.
  • Shadow API. This is the name for an undocumented API that developers either do not know about or have simply forgotten about. It is found in large-scale projects with multiple applications/microservices and complex architecture. Practice shows that the reluctance of security specialists to identify all existing APIs and set up a response to incidents with them provokes the emergence of new vulnerabilities.
  • SMS Leak. One of the popular types of API abuse. An attack on the business logic of a web resource, exploiting the functionality of automated SMS sending in order to exhaust the balance of the SMS aggregator.
  • DDoS attacks. Overloading a server with numerous API requests until service is denied.
  • ATO attacks. This is an automated account takeover using the stolen credentials of real users. They are still at the top of cybersecurity experts’ minds largely because they threaten any site/application that has a login/password authorization page.

As mobile traffic grows and applications become more complex, the number of API for business calls also increases. Traditional security tools are increasingly unable to cope with the new threats that these requests may pose.

Recommendations For API Protection

If you are focused on high-quality API protection, we recommend following these tips:

  • Accept the fact that a secure API is a must-have for the owner of any profitable application.
  • Allocate time, labor, and material resources to compare, test, and implement modern API protection tools.
  • Conduct an audit of your endpoints for the presence of Shadow/Zombie API and possible disclosure of confidential data by them.
  • When choosing protection, trust professionals with real experience in repelling current attacks on APIs, for example, ImmuniWeb, which provides high-quality API security scanning services.
  • Prepare for continuous scanning of vulnerabilities in new or updated APIs by your own or third-party team.

Final Thoughts

APIs have become an integral part of the digital transformation of businesses, providing ample opportunities for innovation and growth. However, their active use requires increased attention to security. API security scanning tools are important in this context, as they help companies not only protect their data but also build trust with customers and partners. By investing in scanning and monitoring API for business security, businesses not only minimize risks but also lay the foundation for sustainable and secure development in an ever-changing technological landscape.


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