Can Biohacking Your Hormones Increase Your Lifespan?

human interacting with a virtual and digital DNA strand representing biohacking

Setting yourself up for success both mentally and physically is not a new idea. People all over the world are trying to better themselves so they can be as fit as possible using biohacking. Why do you ask? So, they can minimize risk of potential disease or even death. Most people strive to live as long as they can in a functionable body. Having the ability to move and function properly is something no one should take for granted. This raises the question on whether or not people can increase their lifespan on their own, or is it all up to fate?

The answer is that you cannot control everything that happens to you and your body, but you can try. Biohacking is a term that has recently taken over the Healthtech industry. It’s when people take certain steps to improve their lifestyle such as diet, exercise or supplements. When it comes to biohacking your hormones, people are working to optimize their hormones through healthy practices, with the hope of making them live longer and healthier.

Trusting Science

Biohacking your hormones all centers around proven science and how it can help you specifically. The first step is to address what problem and what solution you are hoping to find. Are you having hormone imbalances? What is causing this, and what can you do to minimize the impacts? Asking yourself these questions can help steer you in the right direction.

Once you get a clear view and understanding of the problems you want to address, seeking out accurate information is next. You can do this in so many different ways from talking to your doctor, doing your own research or taking tests that are catered to your body. Everybody is different, so doing research can help give you new ideas for things to try. From supplements to more holistic approaches like meditation or acupuncture therapy, there are so many ways to improve your health. To fully take control of your health, you cannot go into it blindly. It is necessary to trust facts and science so you can optimize your time and set yourself up for success.

Investing in Technology

The second step to optimizing your health is to invest in technology. This might seem costly, but you do not have to purchase every little health product there is, that’s why research is so important. Once you identify your problems, you can find out which product is the right fit for you.

For example, in women’s health there is new technology in the form of at-home tests that helps women understand their bodies, symptoms and the stages of life they are going through. Perimenopause testing and fertility testing, like the ones at Proov, allow people to biohack their hormones, because they are getting accurate information about their bodies. They can in turn implement lifestyle changes to manage whatever symptoms or issues they may be facing.

On the other hand, if you are turning to a healthier diet and exercise, perhaps a fitness watch is the way to go. You can keep track of your eating, sleep and exercise habits, which can help you maintain control over your body. This might seem obvious, but biohacking your hormones does not have to be super complicated.

Does Biohacking Really Work?

The goal of biohacking is to overall improve your health in one way or another. Adding healthier lifestyle changes into your routine is a great thing to do anyway, and many of them are backed by science. Taking care of your health should always be a top priority. It can be hard to truly say that just because you fix a hormone imbalance you will live longer, but who knows? There are outside factors out of your control that play a huge role in the human race’s lifespan. There are societal, geographical and genetic issues that cannot be solved with testing, diet or exercise. Biohacking is a great tool to practice because it helps you stay mindful of yourself, and gives you the space to be the best version you can be. Living a long, happy life starts with you.


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