Michelle Eld Feature

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Michelle Eld is a writer and editor with more than 22 years of experience. She got her start as a newspaper reporter after graduating from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell with a BA in Journalism. After a few years in newspapers and then with a large consulting firm, she branched out on her own and became a freelance writer and editor.

For the past 17 years, Michelle has been a freelance writer and editor, working remotely with several clients all over the globe. She prides herself on her ability to manage complex projects independently, under strict deadlines, all while communicating efficiently and promptly with each client. A deadline-oriented multi-tasker, Michelle specializes in writing and editing blogs, articles, website content, research papers, books, press releases, newsletters, and more. With a specialty in SEO-focused copy, she also provides content for social media and web page postings.

Michelle lives with her husband and two teenage sons in the Boston area.

[Q U I C K   N O T E S]

Michelle, can you start off by telling us about yourself and why you pursued a journalism career?

I always loved words and how they can communicate ideas so much more effectively in written form than spoken. I pursued a career in journalism originally because I wanted to work on the front lines, meeting new people, reporting breaking news, and making a difference. But after working for a few small newspapers for a few years, I realized I wanted to get away from media and concentrate on editing and writing for larger firms, which is why I got into consulting. After a few years in that capacity, I was laid off when my son was very small, and I never went back to an office setting again. Due to the nature of my career, I was able to stay home to raise my kids while making a living at the same time. Win/win!

Can you tell us about your freelance writing and any other content services you provide?

I mostly write blogs, but also write web pages, articles, social media posts, press releases, ghost writing books, editing, etc.

What attracted you to go independent and work from your home office?

I was laid off from my consulting job in 2003 when my son was just a few months old. I never went back to an office setting. I knew I wanted to be home to raise my babies, and my career was well suited to working from home. I started out very slowly, and never looked back!

Michelle Eld smiling in professiona suite outside in sun

Can you tell us about your freelance writing and any other content services you provide?

I mostly write blogs, but also write web pages, articles, social media posts, press releases, ghost writing books, editing, etc.

What types of businesses and/or publications do you write for?

Web design firms (those clients include doctors, dentists, lawyers, roofers, movers, real estate agents, etc.).

What is your best medium for new work? Is it all referrals?

Majority of my work is all referrals.

Which social media networks work best for you when marketing your services?

Facebook and my own website.

As a content writer/editor, how does free-lancing differ from working in a traditional company?

I can make my own hours, be my own boss, work when I want, and balance everything out. I’m there for my kids and husband any time of the day, plus I can take some time for me when I need it. I am not tied to a clock, but rather my own motivations which is very freeing.

Michelle Eld leaning with back against bridge railingWere you ever influenced by other entrepreneurs or writers?

I grew up reading constantly. I wouldn’t say there is one person who influenced me, but rather writers as a whole, especially women in business who balanced career and family.

What is the most challenging part of your work?

Staying focused on work when other commitments are pulling me in a thousand different directions, from kids’ commitments to groceries to laundry to errands. It’s a balancing act.

What do you have your sights set on next?

Keep doing what I’m doing, perhaps write my own book someday.

What is a day in your life like?

I wake up, get my kids off to school, hit the gym, work a few hours, run an errand or two, work a few more hours till about 5, then make dinner. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Do you have any hobbies?

Reading, fitness, watching true crime documentaries.

Black and white photo of Michelle Eld hands outstretched holding on both sides of railing on bridge

What makes you smile?

My kids.

What are you never without?

My phone.

What scares you?

Losing my edge in a world filled with up and comers right out of college who are more Internet and social media savvy than I am.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?

Orlando and Aruba.

~ Michelle


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