How AI is Transforming Content Marketing

digital robot reaching to press the NLP button on a digital dashboard

If you own your own business, have a website with landing pages, add blogs regularly, send email blasts or create any kind of content for distribution, you know how valuable compelling content can be. Not only will it help you become more visible to the search engines, propelling you further up the results pages, it will instill a sense of trust in your readers that you are the leading authority in your niche. But content marketing is hard, if you want to do it right. Here we’ll explain how AI is transforming content marketing.

What if there was an easier way? There is now, and it all has to do with AI. Today, we’ll take a look at how leading marketers are using artificial intelligence to accelerate content generation, refine content promotion and more thoroughly understand content performance.

It’s looking like AI is indeed the next frontier in content marketing, giving decision-makers the ability to extract valuable insights from large amounts of data so businesses can stay ahead of emerging trends.

Up till now, many business owners and content marketers have been relying on gut instinct to build out their content strategy. When relying on so much data, there’s simply too much of it to sort the good stuff from the noise.

Fortunately, AI does a much better job than humans do when it comes to providing data-driven insights to fuel content strategy. This is how AI is transforming content marketing.

Driving Engagement and Building Authority

The last decade has seen more and more marketers embrace the value of crafting and distributing content to various audiences as a way to drive engagement, build authority and guide consumers through the buying process. This could be through blog posts, case studies, or ebooks, but the point is, content marketing is a key part of modern digital strategies.

Advancements in AI, such as with natural language processing, have paved the way for a wide range of AI-powered content tools. And for marketers, this offers new ways to accelerate and optimize written content. Such AI tools are able to transform the production process to assist marketing teams make better data-driven decisions about what they should write, who they should gear that content to, and how they can reach readers as efficiently as possible, says Business Insider.

What AI Does For Content Marketers

Let’s back up just a bit. First off, AI is an umbrella term that describes a suite of unique technologies that includes deep learning, machine learning, neural networks, natural language generation (NLG) and natural language processing (NLP). It’s used to extract insights and make recommendations that are based off of previously established criteria, backed by an extraordinary ability to process huge amounts of unstructured data and accurately decipher natural language.

AI can help content marketers in a multitude of ways, such as:

  • Discover relevant keywords
  • Plan blog post topics
  • Optimize and personalize content
  • Implement automation
  • Test landing pages
  • Schedule social shares
  • Review analytics

Indeed, AI is now an indispensable tool for data-driven marketers. Why? Because there’s so much data out there and no one knows what to do with it. AI picks up where humans leave off, with success hinging on the ability to extract the correct insights from the data we already possess. Truly, AI is transforming content marketing.

Text Mining Reveals Topics, Keywords, and Potential Problems

Text mining is a specific application of AI that ingests text, classifies it, categorizes it, and then makes sense of it, according to the Content Marketing Institute. For example, text mining (a form of deep learning) uses vectorization, a technology that turns words into numbers after considering the mathematical relationship among those numbers to determine how similar they are.

Content markets can use text mining as a way to reverse engineer the Google algorithm for targeted topics, as another example. The list you get will hint at the words or categories you should cover when coming up with new content built around your reverse-engineered keyword, resulting in a higher chance of success with organic search.

AI is Transforming Content Marketing: Key Takeaways

It’s no secret that with AI systems, you are able to automate a large portion of the heavy lifting that’s required to optimize every piece of content. From content strategy and intelligence to content personalization and search optimization, businesses now have a new tool in their content marketing toolbox.

AI can:

  • Optimize content before and after it is published.
  • Reduce the manual work required to make the most of content investments.
  • Handle key optimization tasks such as topic suggestion, content research, brand compliance, SEO, and content alignment paired with user intent.
  • Assist with the planning stages of content production through the use of tools that cluster relevant content topics and help you pinpoint actionable opportunities.
  • Help marketers maintain a consistent writing style and tone over time and across many departments.
  • Scale content production through machine-written outlines or content briefs designed to accelerate the writing process.
  • Navigate changes in search engines and social media platform algorithms to make way for regular creation of quality, rankable content.
  • Assist marketers in filtering, aggregating, and adapting content from third-party sources in order to automate quality content curation.

Content Personalization and Recommendations

AI was designed to make recommendations through the use of data to accurately predict what people will like. The same principles behind AI systems used by Netflix and Amazon that suggest offerings (if you liked that, chances are, you’ll like this!) are now being used to power AI content recommendation.

These tools will analyze the content consumption habits of your visitors, then use that data to suggest pieces of content they may want to consume next. The best AI systems are able to learn dynamically based on user actions so they can get better at predicting what people may want to watch, read or listen to next.

As a marketer or business owner, it’s time to embrace AI if you want to have any hope of staying at the top of the curve, remain a relevant resource to your readers, and continue to engage your audience in a profitable, meaningful way. This is how AI is transforming content marketing.


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