How to Start Your Career as a Web Designer?  

Student typing on the keyboard with a career as a web designer
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With more and more brands launching websites for efficiency, immediate growth, and credibility, there has never been a better time to start your career as web designer. Hence, the high-demand web designing market is estimated to grow to USD 14.3 billion by 2026, with web designing jobs growing by 13% between 2023 and 2030, as per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Web designers meticulously construct vital website elements. These elements not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of websites but also ensure their user-friendliness and functionality by carefully selecting and crafting visual aspects, such as layout, colors, font, and graphics.

For individuals aspiring to thrive in this field, it is natural to wonder about the essential knowledge they need to acquire in order to get started. In that regard, the guide below on how to start your career as a web designer might offer valuable insights to help you out.

1. Develop Technical and Workplace Skills 

To start your career as a web designer, you must be proficient in the technicalities of website development. Although earning a degree to pursue this career is crucial, focus on subject-specific courses online to develop technical skills. Remember, good design is important for a lucrative web designing career, and this requires mastering the areas of: 

  • Programming languages and coding knowledge to work in teams, including graphic designers and programmers 
  • Graphic software like Photoshop to create website graphics 
  • Search Engine Optimization techniques to create sites that appear prominently when users search for specific topics or keywords 
  • Web design theory or basic principles, like color theory, structure, and user experience, to create exemplary website maintenance.

You also require good communication skills to understand client requirements, implement the same correctly and suggest your ideas. Besides technical and communication skills, excellent workplace skills may also benefit you. These include: 

  • Critical thinking 
  • Creativity 
  • Reliability 
  • Time management 
  • Organizational skills 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Conflict resolution 

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2. Earn Certifications 

Earning certifications in specific areas can further boost your resume, prove your knowledge to prospective customers, and help you charge higher service rates. Ensure completing the following certifications successfully for a great career ahead: 

  • General Assembly Bootcamp: These Web development courses will help you excel in areas like web development, digital marketing, user experience, and as well as mobile app development. 
  • Adobe Certified Expert: Becoming an ACE in varied programs can boost your web designing career. 
  • This Google certification not only demonstrates your web development potential for mobile apps but also helps improve your knowledge of performance optimization, progressive web applications, and mobile web forms.

3. Get Your Degree 

Earn an associate, bachelor’s, and as well as master’s degree to become a web designer. For this, several colleges and universities in the United States offer associate degrees featuring web-specific classes in: 

  • CSS 
  • HTML 
  • Illustrator 
  • JavaScript 
  • Adobe Photoshop 

You may even move on to a bachelor’s or as well as master’s degree in web design, focusing more on the technical aspect of web designing, like programming languages and operating systems. Classes may include topics like: 

  • Web Scripting 
  • Programming platforms and languages 
  • Basic and advanced database structures 
  • Human-computer interface design 
  • Web Publishing 
  • Visual frameworks 
  • Image manipulation 
  • Graphic design tools 
  • Basic and advanced web design 
  • Animation 
  • Motion graphics 
  • Typography 

Therefore, a master’s in web design will help you gain advanced web design and development knowledge,  hands-on experience on a capstone project, and prepare you for jobs like: 

  • Applications developer 
  • Senior web designer 
  • UX designer 
  • SEO Specialist 
  • Multimedia Specialist 

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4. Create a Strong Portfolio 

Most employers and clients look for a web designer’s work portfolio instead of their education or years of experience. So, ensure your web design portfolio features your past projects; full web pages; apps, prototypes, themes, screenshots, and templates. Even better, create your website and host your portfolio there to let prospective clients know your originality as a web designer. 

5. Apply for the Right Web Design Jobs 

The web design arena features several positions, and professionals with the right blend of skills, experience, and hence, education could ultimately qualify for any of the jobs below: 

  • Front-end web developer 
  • Web designer 
  • Product Manager 
  • Front-end web designer 
  • Interaction designer 
  • Visual designer 
  • UX/UI designer 
  • Mobile Developer 

Fresh out of other educational programs or Bootcamp courses, you may look for entry-level jobs in the above fields. Nevertheless, if you possess tech experience, even if it’s not in web design, you may qualify for higher-paying roles. You may even contact career services that help with resume writing and interview preparation to ease your job search

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6. Display Your Work on Marketplaces for Passive Income 

So, now, get on the marketplaces and sell your skills to make passive income as a freelancer without working directly with a company. Display your themes or templates for WordPress on these marketplaces for interested buyers to download and install them, only to pay you good money in return. Additionally, explore various passive income ideas such as affiliate marketing or rental properties to diversify your revenue streams.

When selling themes or templates on marketplaces, be available for your buyers when they run into an issue installing them. Instant support will improve your reputation when you start a career as a web designer and present you as a professional.  

7. Consider Specializing 

Focus on a particular web design niche to polish your skills and earn recognition as an expert web designer. You can also increase your clients by specializing in specific web design fields like mobile apps, sites, or e-commerce. 

8. Stay Updated 

Since the web design field constantly evolves with frequent changes in technology, consumer requirements, and design methods, keep learning, developing, and practicing your skills to prove to the clients that you are completely updated. Also, subscribe to blogs, news channels, and industry magazines, listen to web design experts, and attend conferences. 

The Bottom Line 

It is not difficult to start a career as a web designer, but it requires effort and time. You may not be able to obtain all important skills simply by taking online courses and reading books. They need proper practice and patience. Also, remain passionate about your work while taking design challenges and other problems as learning opportunities. 


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