The Latest Advancements in the Aerospace Industry

commercial jet in hanger displaying engine in aerospace industry

Technology allows the aerospace industry to make flights faster and more reliable. However, the industry is also striving to make aviation safer, which is why engineers design planes with updated technology and metals that can withstand high temperatures and pressures. If you love the aerospace industry and technology, you need to learn about the latest advancements in the aerospace industry.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, also called AI, encompasses machine learning. Machines with AI can solve complex problems and calculations much faster than the human brain. They can also recognize patterns and determine the outcomes of simulations. AI can report on climate conditions, evaluate the framework status, determine fuel levels, and more. To create new technologies for the aerospace industry, engineers and scientists also use AI to run simulations, create new materials, and solve problems.

Autonomic Flights

While you often hear about self-driving cars, you rarely hear about self-flying planes. However, many companies are working to create autonomous planes. This means there will be no need for a pilot or human in the cockpit. Of course, they need to thoroughly test these planes for years before allowing humans to use them. But this technology is something to look forward to in the future.

Structural Health Monitoring

Structural health monitoring is a system that reports the health of the aircraft. Created by NASA in 2007, this technology evaluates power systems, fuel systems, communications systems, landing gear, and almost every system in the plane. Companies continue to improve monitoring today to make flights safer and more reliable.

Zero-Fuel Plane

The zero-fuel aircraft is another one of the latest advancements in the aerospace industry that’s undergoing development. This aircraft will use hydrogen as a primary power source and will not release carbon emissions. Airbus has a few different ideas to build this plane, and they hope to use it for service in 2035. This plane will be a significant advancement that may decarbonize the aerospace industry, providing a cleaner way to travel.


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