Doug Milburn

Headshot of Founder and Chairman Doug Milburn

Doug Milburn

Founder & Chairman
Engineering, Entrepreneur
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Dr. Doug Milburn is the Founder and Chairman of Advanced Glazings Limited.

As a long-time entrepreneur and innovator, Dr. Doug Milburn thrives on solving problems. For more than 35 years, he has brought his vision and passion to manufacturing, engineering, software development and process engineering. Throughout his leadership, Dr. Milburn has aimed to create great workplaces by shaping a company’s success through corporate values and ethical guidelines.

Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, Dr. Milburn earned his undergraduate and master’s degree in physics at Mount Allison University, before finishing his studies with a PhD in mechanical engineering at the University of Waterloo. 

In 1995, Dr. Doug Milburn and his wife Michelle co-founded Advanced Glazings, which developed and manufactures SOLERA light diffusing glass, which enables architects to create beautifully daylighted buildings that are incredibly energy efficient. 

In 2001, Dr. Milburn co-founded Protocase with Steve Lilley. Protocase helps engineers, innovators and scientists accelerate their project timelines by manufacturing custom metal enclosures and parts in 2-3 days, with no minimum order requirements. Lilley and Dr. Milburn took the entrepreneurial leap once more in 2014, with the start of 45Drives. As a new enterprise company, 45Drives helps companies manage and scale their data-storage needs with ultra-large storage servers and clusters that are powerful, flexible and affordable.

Dr. Doug Milburn is also featured on our premiere Features Page.


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