As we search for the best answer for alternative energy solutions, photovoltaic energy, or solar power, often enters the conversation as a strong candidate. With the development and of residential roof solar panels and their accessibility increasing, it’s necessary to consider the further use of these panels against the benefits of a ground-mounted solar energy farm. The ground-based solar array technology isn’t dead just because of the existence of roof-based panels. In fact, ground-based solar farm technology continues to improve even down to the geological engineering of its foundation.
Optimized Energy Production
After the installation of a ground-mounted solar panel, its user has full control over the direction the arrays face. In a roof-based solar panel energy system, the owner lacks control, and therefore the homeowner or business owner’s solar energy remains unoptimized. Facing your solar panels the correct direction at all times during all seasons ensures that the system collects the maximum amount of solar energy for storage and use.
This is especially important in areas of the world where cloudy, rainy days are common, or during the entirety of winter where the days are short. More energy production means that more people can make use of the eco-friendly solar solution, especially with the help of a commercial solar energy farm.
Control Over Location
If leaves or tree branches frequently shade the roof of a home, it is likely a poor candidate for a solar energy roofing system. However, a landowner may instead choose to install a ground-based solar array anywhere on their property—which gives them the opportunity to place the array in the sunniest spot of their land.
As we gain access to more advanced methods of providing solid foundations to solar panels, geological engineers can greenlight more diverse locations for solar arrays. Areas that were once poor choices for solar farms due to the stability of their terrain and lackluster support for standard concrete foundations open with the use of alternative foundation solutions. One such option for solar panel foundation in difficult terrain is the straightforward helical pier. Its minimally invasive installation lessens Earthly disruptions while providing panels with the uplift resistance they need to survive in challenging locations. Another great benefit of a ground-mounted solar energy farm.
Easier To Perform Maintenance
One of the downsides of placing solar panels on your roof is the accessibility. A roof is one of the least accessible places around the house; installing roof-based solar panels may offer convenience, but maintaining them will pose as a challenge. By keeping the panels on the ground, the owner can clean them off after a snowstorm or during the fall with ease. Replacing old or faulty solar panels requires far less effort with ground-mounted systems than roof systems and makes it easier to spot problems before they impact your energy production.
To conclude, while the convenience of residential roof-based solar panels is essential to the advancement of green energy, the benefits of a ground-mounted solar energy farm still provide the world of renewable energy with an irreplaceable resource.