Things to Consider When Expanding Your Business

two business women working to expand their business

If you’re ready to expand your business it’s an exciting time. This expansion is going to give you an increase in clout by expanding your market share. It’s also going to give you more brand recognition and this is always a good thing. However, it is going to present some significant challenges that require careful execution. 

Take a look at these considerations that you should keep at the top of your mind when you want a successful expansion.

Conduct Thorough Market Research

You need to conduct market research before diving into this project. Look at the geographical area where you want to expand. 

It’s critical that you understand the landscape. Conducting market research will help to identify all the potential opportunities in the location. 

You must look at the market demand for what you will be putting out there. You need to eyeball the competition to make sure that it’s not too much since this will overwhelm you. 

Once that is done, you can go ahead and examine strengths and weaknesses. Make note of any cultural differences as well. 

Evaluate Your Financial Health

The next thing you’re going to do is to make sure that you are evaluating your financial health. This will help you determine if you have the resources that are going to be necessary to support your growth.

You’re going to need to think about cash flow as you need to make sure you have sufficient cash reserves to fund any expansions. Think about your profit margins as well as your current operations. These should be profitable enough for an expansion venture.

woman standing in front of her small business taking notes

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

Develop a Solid Business Plan

Before you take on any type of expansion you’re going to need to make sure that you have a rock-solid business plan under your belt. If you don’t, you risk botching your expansion efforts. 

Make sure you have solid objectives in your business plan. Outline all the strategies that you’re going to use to reach your goal. This means that sales and operation plans should be outlined in detail. 

Look at your budget as well. This will help you determine all the expected costs that you can manage. It will also help you to have a clear picture of the potential revenue streams out there.

You’re going to need to make sure that you have a realistic timeline with all the key milestones and deadlines outlined for you.

Assess Operational Capacity

You need to look at the operational capacity of your business. There are many issues that come with the expansion. 

For example, product capacity may be affected. You have to make sure that you have enough products to spread across all your distribution channels. 

Make sure that you have supply management wrapped up tightly. This is important when you are scaling your business you want to make sure that your supplies are capable of handling the load.

Consider how much human resources you need to have as well. If you’re going to be depending on employees to keep the business up and running you’re going to have to train them to do so. Make sure you have enough capital to sustain training.

Build Your Team

The next thing you’re going to have to do is to make sure that you build out your team in a rock-solid way. Ensure that you are hiring experienced professionals to help you in all the critical areas of your expansion. This may include sales, marketing and operations as well. 

With that being said, even if you want to only hire people with experience, you still need to give them some kind of training so that they can understand what they’re jumping into without being blindsided.

Understand Communication 

You have to make sure that you have all the foundations needed for healthy communication in place before you go ahead and lock in your business for expansion plans. Remember that your customers will always want to contact you if they have a problem. Making it easy for them to communicate with you is the only way you’re going to get good feedback from them.

Some ways to open the lines of communication are through live chat, email and phone. You can get your phone numbers for just about any state out there, including Washington DC phone ensure you are always able to keep in touch with customers.

Leverage Technology

The next course of action is to make sure that you are leveraging technology as much as you can. Grab a hold of software such as a CRM system which is all about customer relationship management. There is also ERP software available which will allow you to automate as many processes in your business as you can. 

Have a Golden Marketing Plan

You can plan all you want but if you don’t get marketing right nobody’s going to see what you have on offer. You want people to have a jaw-dropping reaction to what you have on offer. This means you’re going to have to look at how best you can put your product in front of the right people. 

You might want to try doing market segmentation. This means you target different parts of the market you are in so that you can be more precise about targeting. You will need to create a separate plan for both launches and then you will see which works best. 

This approach will take a lot more work than just moving everybody into one big list but the payoff will be infinitely higher. 

As mentioned before, all this talk about marketing will never have a leg to stand on unless you are determined to communicate. Social media should always be at the top of your list, as well as email marketing and traditional advertising.

If you’re ready to take off on a journey that sees you growing your business by leaps and bounds then you should definitely try to incorporate as many strategies as you can during the expansion of your business. It’s always better to be as thorough as you can so that you don’t end up feeling regrets.


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