Kelli Wolansky Podcast Transcript

Headshot of Kelli Wolansky

Kelli Wolansky Podcast Transcript

Kelli Wolansky joins host Brian Thomas on The Digital Executive Podcast.

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Brian Thomas: Welcome to The Digital Executive. Today’s guest is Kelli Wolansky. Kelli Wolansky is from Ocean Townships, New Jersey, down by the shore. Kelli graduated with a BA in Public Relations and Advertising from Penn State in 2020. Kelli began her career in tech where she gained valuable experience working with fortune 500 and consumer brands.

Having solidified experience in marketing events, Kelli transitioned to HMP Global where she discovered her passion for health care. HMP’s mission is to improve patient care. And it has been incredibly rewarding to pursue that endeavor and see the impact firsthand. On the weekends, Kelli owns a small charcuterie business on the side.

She started her small business during COVID when work from home became the norm.

Well, good afternoon, Kelli. Welcome to the show!

Kelli Wolansky: Good afternoon. Thank you so much for having me!

Brian Thomas: Absolutely. This is so fun. I get to talk to somebody out on the East coast there and in the New Jersey area, and I do appreciate that, but also I’m a healthcare techie person, have been in healthcare a long time and love the fact that you’ve have passion for healthcare.

So, we’re going to jump right into your first question, starting with your career in tech, you’ve worked with fortune 500 and consumer brands. Can you share a pivotal experience or project from this time that shaped your professional skills?

Kelli Wolansky: Yeah, definitely. So, I graduated Penn State in 2020, and my first role at a school was as a community associate for a market research technology company and working really closely with those fortune 500 companies and really working hand in hand with the C suite executives.

From those different brands really enabled me to learn quickly and we’re cross functionally between the organizations. I developed a new research community consisting of high-net-worth clients for a leading national bank, and that really generated valuable consumer feedback that ended up leading. To new product launches and mobile app feature updates.

So, it was really cool to see that project from start to finish and really working, you know, very, very closely with everyone on those fortune 500 companies and executive teams.

Brian Thomas: Thank you. And I really like that. We both worked in that space before fortune 500 and you gain a lot of experience, especially, you know, you and your new tenure in your career.

There’s just so much to be gained with all the travel and all the business meetings you’ve had doing that during that time. So, I appreciate the insights. Kelli working in health care media presents unique challenges and rewards from your perspective. What are some of the most significant trends shaping health care media today?

And how are you as a marketer adapting to these changes?

Kelli Wolansky: Definitely, so something that pops into mind first as a notable trend in health care media is the increase in digital channels to reach and engage with our consumers and our customers. With the expansion of these digital platforms and the rise of telehealth within the health care organizations, I think it’s super, super prevalent to be leveraging social media, online communities, virtual events, really connecting our patients.

And customers and providing, you know, valuable information through these channels and avenues. Another key trend is the emphasis on personalized and targeted messaging. So as health care consumers become more proactive in managing their health. Getting in tune with their health these marketers are using, you know, the data analytics and the AI to tailor our content and recommend, you know, specific needs and preferences and really, you know, key in on our target audiences.

I also think the demand for transparent and authentic storytelling. Has become very, very important in sticking out with how much, you know, is in the media, how many ads we’re seeing. It’s really, really important to feel like, you know, you’re a human talking to another human and not to lose that authenticity and I do think the healthcare consumers are seeking.

You know, relatable narratives and real-life experiences really to trust the brand and trust, you know, the voice behind the brand.

Brian Thomas: Absolutely. I appreciate you highlighting that you highlighted several things there, but the thing that really stood out is that authenticity. We talked a lot about that here on the podcast with branding, you know, people buy from people, not necessarily the company.

And that authenticity and trust is so important when you’re trying to get a message across to convert your consumers, right? For those sales. So, I appreciate that. And Kelli, your charcuterie business started during a unique time when the world was pivoting towards remote work. What inspired you to start this business?

And how has it grown or changed since its inception?

Kelli Wolansky: Yeah, definitely. So, Charcuterie and Chill was inspired during COVID by my Italian family, we were always hosting large dinner parties, going to the Italian markets, eating meat and cheese as a snack. And during the time that remote work became the norm, I really wanted a passion on the side.

To kind of fuel those creative juices and really found a love for it quickly. During COVID, I feel like the, the at home get-togethers and backyard parties really became so popular. And it really helped my business being down at the Jersey shore with all the summer barbecues and baby showers and different events down there.

I did celebrate three years in February. And over the past 36 months, you know, I’ve served over 150 customers ranging from all these different get togethers, date nights, corporate events, baby showers, et cetera, received over 5000 organic website visits and earn top placements on relevant search terms.

And accumulated over 35-star reviews on my Google business page. So super excited about the momentum that I’ve built up over the past couple of years. And I actually moved up to Hoboken about a year ago. So, I’m still trying to find my exact jive up here. Meet the community and expand my network. And I’m really excited that in the next couple months I’m working on getting ready to host like a networking event where I can host larger events and spaces and Hoboken invite a larger audience, maybe have some guest speakers and have it like mingling and networking over meat and cheese.

So super excited to kind of take the business in a different direction versus kind of delivering some of the little date boxes or smaller boards, you know, really kind of entering into that larger network that I believe is, you know, up in Hoboken it’s right outside of New York city. So definitely have the market.

I feel like there.

Brian Thomas: That’s awesome. And Kelli, I’ll just have to point out, we can really hear the enthusiasm and excitement when you talk about your business, just a complete shift there. I love it though. I just want to let you know, that’s awesome. So, appreciate that. And Kelli, last question of the evening here, looking towards the future, how do you envision your career evolving in both the healthcare media space and your entrepreneurial ventures?

Are there any new projects or goals you’re particularly excited about?

Kelli Wolansky: Yeah, definitely. So, as I progress in my career, you know, I feel enthusiastic about the healthcare industry and the possibilities, you know, within the field that offer purposeful work opportunities at mission driven companies. I’m really looking forward to expanding my charcuterie business on the side by organizing those networking and larger events, as I discussed, and, you know, just really excited that I’m able to combine, you know, my marketing full time career and the skills that I utilize.

to utilize day to day within my small business as well, particularly in the areas of digital marketing brand management sales. So, I believe that the skills that I do develop and have developed in my professional career and continue to learn can definitely be leveraged to effectively market my small business and help it grow.

So, I’m super, you know, incredibly grateful to be able to focus on my passions on the side while working in marketing full time as well. So super excited there and, and just excited to see where, you know, my career and my side business takes me.

Brian Thomas: That’s awesome. And it’s really cool to see you really blossom out of coming out of school, working at some big companies, and then launching your own entrepreneurial venture, which I think is amazing at your age.

You’ve got the whole world in front of you, and I’m so excited for your continued success. Kelli was such a pleasure having you on today, and I look forward to speaking with you real soon.

Kelli Wolansky: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Brian Thomas: Bye for now.

Kelli Wolansky Podcast Transcript. Listen to the audio on the guest’s podcast page.


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