Technology is Revolutionizing the Hiring Process

woman using technology on her laptop for her hiring process

Lockdown. National governments across the world have issued mandates requiring people to stay in their home. Pandemonium ensues as an unknown illness without a cure rages through populations. People worry about how they will gather their income. Companies fear the loss of their employees. A virus rattles the world.

As the world felt like it was shutting down during the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations all over the world had to proactively create innovative and efficient ways to upkeep their company, as well as fill any void in their employment structure. The integration of technology to organizational structures and recruitment processes transfigured the hiring game.

Organizations are giving agency to a variety of digital applications to assist in their recruitment process. Modern innovations are streamlining jobs to applicants and applicants to jobs through a mere few clicks online.

Online Assessments

Technology is more vital than ever. When it comes to the interview process, companies are also making things more convenient for them by requiring online assessments for potential candidates. These online tests give candidates the opportunity to identify their skills and weaknesses early on. Why ask these questions in an interview when it could be done through a quick survey?

This helps filter candidates that are better equipped for the position so that companies can then begin the interview process, where they can ask more complex questions. This not only saves time on the hiring manager’s end, but on the candidates as well. If they are not suited for the specific position, they can know early on that they have not made it past that round, so they can spend their time instead, searching for a position that fits their skills instead. Technology in this area is making the process easier for both parties.

Introductions, Make Them Count

Apart from online assessments being part of the hiring process, pre-recorded video introductions have also made their way into the job market as a whole.

Some companies now require candidates to film a brief intro about themselves and their experience and upload it to their profile. As I mentioned before, the main goal of technology in the hiring process is to make things easier. Hiring managers usually have tens to hundreds of applications to go through, so having an introduction set up in this format gives more of a quick peek into the applicant and their background.

This then gives candidates the chance to stand out and highlight their abilities in a more creative way, so they can better elevate themselves to the top of a hiring manager’s list. This can seem a bit daunting and weird for candidates who are not used to this type of layout, but it can help you play to your advantages so you can secure the job you are reaching for.

Of course, utilizing these platforms won’t come naturally to all. You might be pulled out of your comfort zone trying to record your video introduction vs speaking face to face with someone. There are a variety of recruitment and professional coaching platforms assisting individuals with career placements that encourage human interaction, development and facilitate the adoption of the required skills to navigate our advancing tech world. One such organization is The Human Reach, which prioritizes placing executives into roles that align with their personal goals and purpose.

AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Applicant tracking systems fueled by artificial intelligence are revolutionizing applicant review. Companies can save time and effort of their recruiters and human resources staff members by utilizing AI-powered applications to screen applicants. This technology can review resumes and cover letters, identify candidate skills in relation to the job description, communicate with applicants, and much more.

However, job applicants should be aware of ATS programs because these systems often filter resumes before they reach human recruiters. To increase their chances of passing through an ATS, applicants should tailor their resumes to include keywords from the job description, use clear and simple formatting, and avoid complex graphics or fonts. This ensures that the AI can effectively analyze and evaluate their qualifications in relation to the job requirements.

Marrying technology and humanity in the recruitment process

It is undoubtedly true that technology has innovated the recruitment and employment process, however, it does not change the basics of interviewing in our society. Prospective candidates, especially directors and high level executives should enter interviews understanding that these are conversations, not interrogations. Online or in-person, the purpose of an interview is to simply get to know the applicant and establish whether they’ll be a good fit for the company; not to antagonize them. Therefore, enter interviews with your chin up. A multitude of candidates can share similar qualifications and experience, but in that interview, the company only seeks to see your personality and how you’ll enhance the organization. Finally, preparation is key. Utilize the SOAR (Situation, Obstacle, Action, Result) method to tie in previous experience and exhibit your interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and project management capabilities. Whether it be video applications or AI applicant track systems, technology has vigorously filtered into our work life. We can continue to expect elaborate evolution and further integration of technology into our jobs, benefiting all players in the game. Prospective applicants looking to enter a new position need not be intimidated by interviewing in this technological era. The advances have opened the door to a variety of opportunities to ensure you put your best foot forward during the recruitment process; use it to your advantage.


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