Recent Innovations in Aviation Technology

innovations in aviation technology with a helicopter landing on a helopad

Innovation is at the very core of the aviation industry. After all, it’s a top way that airlines compete with each other. One of the best ways to stand out as an airline is to offer new technological innovations and upgrades. Innovation continues to drive the aerospace industry, especially in our modern age. We already see exciting new technology ready to emerge in the next few years. Here are the most impressive recent innovations in aviation technology. 

Going Green

It’s a well-known fact that air travel produces a lot of greenhouse gases. That’s why airlines are putting a lot of effort into sustainable energy. The goal is to find a way for people to enjoy air travel while reducing their carbon footprint. 

A very exciting prospect is electric planes. Much like electric cars, electric-powered aircraft will not rely on gasoline. This will help out the environment and produce less noise. On an electric plane, passengers also wouldn’t have to contend with a loud gas engine when trying to conversate with others—electric motors are clean and quiet, 

Another green solution is the use of biofuel. It hasn’t found its way into commercial air travel yet, but it should only be a matter of time. In the past, planes have flown thousands of miles on nothing but biofuel. 

Smarter Construction Materials

In recent years, there’s been a move toward using more intelligent materials for classic planes and helicopters. These materials can:

  • Cut down on fuel consumption, making every flight more cost efficient
  • Boost aerodynamics, which is very useful in helicopters for emergencies
  • Increase the maximum speed of planes through lighter materials, leading to higher mobility and shorter flights

Among these intelligent materials, graphene is catching a lot of attention. It’s considered a super-metal, and it’s only one atom thick. Graphene has the potential to line the wings of planes to prevent them from taking in water. The technology is still many years away, but it shows lots of promise. 

Flying Higher 

There’s a lot of research going into flying at the very top of the ozone layer. Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic experiment inspired this idea. Why fly so high? Because there are lots of benefits of doing so. Flying at the top of the ozone layer lets planes take advantage of gravity. Also, the low drag allows for high speeds with low fuel consumption. There you have some recent innovations in aviation technology. We’re bound to see some of these innovations penetrate the commercial airline space in the next few years.


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