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Tag: innovation

The Rise of Social Gaming

In the realm of gaming, a powerful force has emerged, revolutionizing the way we connect, interact, and build relationships. Social gaming has transcended the...

Translating User Research into a Language Executives Can Understand

What’s the cost to user research leaders when user research is disconnected from business impact? Literally, their jobs and maybe even their sanity. Can...

There’s One Thing Lacking in the Insurance Industry: Technology

It’s not often that platforms for the insurance sector steal the limelight. These days, AI gets all the glory. But it’s the insurance industry...

Fighting Inflammaging with Astaxanthin and Innovative Science

As we age, our body’s core systems and defenses slow down, and we become more susceptible to chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and...

The Art of Business of Quantum Ecosystems

Global Landscape The field of quantum technology has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years, forecasting a revolution in various industries with its immense computational power...

Contribution Driven Innovation

What drives me. The entrepreneurial journey of a franchisor can be both challenging and rewarding. Personally, I have always been drawn to concepts that improve...


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