Why Don’t People See My TikTok Videos? Possible Solutions

Pet influencer wondering, "Why don't my TikTok videos get more views?" with dog in background

Have you ever been puzzled, “Why did my TikTok video views dropped suddenly?” You may have had thousands of weekly video views, but now you hardly get 100.

This is understandably irritating for TikTok creators. Thus, you may feel helpless and that TikTok’s algorithms are against you. This may eventually depress you to the point where producing TikTok videos seems impossible.

Luckily, your TikTok video-generating career can survive a reduction in views. You can overcome this challenge.

This post has strategies to boost your TikTok views no matter how low. You must first understand TikTok’s algorithm.

Learning My TikTok Algorithm

You must understand TikTok’s algorithm to understand your dropping views.

Don’t be thrown off by the name. The “TikTok algorithm” is a computer program that predicts what TikTok users want.

It considers viewership time, content interactions, and engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and the like. These signals determine what appears on the user’s “For You Page”.

Alice uses TikTok and loves DIY cosmetics tutorials. Her engagement and time spent on specialized videos will drive TikTok’s algorithm to propose more of them.

If your videos’ views consistently plummet, TikTok’s algorithm may be de-ranking them because it no longer deems them engaging. You are not completely helpless; there is yet a way forward.

Causes of Low TikTok Views

After covering why your TikTok views are poor, let’s briefly examine some of the most probable causes.

Low-Quality Content

If you don’t try to please your audience, TikTok will hide your videos.

You don’t need expensive technology or a script to produce good videos, but you should consider your audience. Avoid blurry footage and muddy audio as they can negatively impact the quality of your films.

Furthermore, make sure the video is well coordinated. Nobody wants to have to second-guess themselves trying to figure out what the point of your film is.

Insufficient Activity

As we said before, engagement is a major indicator that the TikTok algorithm takes into account when deciding which films to show. Interactions such as likes, shares, and comments make up engagement. The likelihood of TikTok promoting your new videos decreases if they have been obtaining poor interaction from your earlier films.

When participation is minimal, what are some of the most likely reasons why? The first is that you aren’t encouraging viewer participation in your videos. Have you ever seen a video on Instagram Reels or YouTube and noticed the creator requesting that you subscribe and like their videos? They have a purpose behind it. The reality is that you are unlikely to get involved unless you specifically want it.

Your videos could be dull, which is another probable explanation. Similar to other social media platforms, viewers quickly decide whether to watch a video or browse. Videos that don’t grab viewers quickly will certainly die.

Posting Less Frequently

A drop in your TikTok views might be due to irregular publishing as well. If you don’t publish too often, TikTok will think you aren’t going to use the site seriously and will give more prominence to other users’ work. Another factor that might reduce your chances of receiving respectable views on your videos is a lengthy interval between your publishing schedules.

Publishing When It Is Inconvenient

In terms of making and sharing videos on TikTok, there is a proper and improper time. You should not expect to get many views if you publish while your intended audience is mostly not online. Posting at non-peak hours results in the same outcome.

Inadequate Hashtag Utilization

Get strategic with your hashtag use if you want your videos to get noticed. If you use them too often, your films will seem spammy, and the TikTok algorithm will ignore them. If you don’t use them properly, your video will not appear in people’s feeds very often.

Advice for Raising Your TikTok’s Views and Interactions

If you want more views and interaction on TikTok, try these strategies.

Improve the Caliber of Your Videos

An excellent first step is to work on making your videos better. Try to maintain their clarity and sharpness. The videos you make must have sufficient illumination. Make sure your videos don’t have unsteady or fuzzy audio. If investing in a top-notch microphone is necessary, then by all means, do it.

Communicate with Your Followers

Get people to interact with your videos by asking them to do so proactively. Ask them nicely if they would mind liking, sharing, and maybe even commenting on your content. You can buy likes on TikTok to enhance interaction and jumpstart your content. Feel free to be as subtle as you want. 

Schedule Posts Appropriately

Discovering the optimal time to upload your films is crucial if you want to get maximum interaction. To find out when it works best, you may need to experiment with posting times.

Maintain Consistency

If you want to be successful on TikTok, consistency is important. If you want to increase your views, you need to be active. Post whenever the mood strikes you and don’t hesitate to do so. Keep your audience informed about the release dates of your content.

One option is to make a content calendar. It will assist you in maintaining a regular blogging schedule.

Promote Your Content on Different Platforms

Your videos may be shared on platforms other than TikTok. Share the link to them on all of your other social media accounts. Doing so increases the number of impressions your videos get. Plus, TikTok is more inclined to promote them if they get a lot of impressions.

Final Thought

It might be frightening and annoying to watch as views on your TikTok video fall. You might even find yourself tempted to leave the site. Try not to fall for it. And avoid assuming, too quickly, that your account has been shadowbanned. You could be publishing at the incorrect times.

Regardless of how hard it has fallen, we have supplied useful tips so you can say, “I have increasing views on my TikTok videos!” Make sure you test them out.


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