New Mover Marketing: Doing It Right

Lady surrounded by boxes looking at new mover marketing

Marketing to several new movers is the best way for business brands to get loyal clients and establish a solid local presence. These new movers actively seek services and products to make their transitions smooth, thus making them a very receptive audience. So, when marketers need consumer data, their need for new mover marketing arises, too. 

What is New Mover Marketing?

It is a highly targeted strategy, engaging families or individuals who have just relocated into a new house or are looking to move soon. 

Business brands may use various channels or platforms to reach new movers. Examples of these include local events, direct mail, and social media. 

Mover marketing has been growing, and its solutions must be specific in addressing client’s needs, including the most relevant services or products depending on their needs. 

Why New Mover Marketing?

Relocating to a new home means leaving established routines and habits behind. New movers are often open to trying new services and brands in a new environment, making new mover marketing an important strategy. Creating a good or positive impression during the early phases of the new movers’ journey may result in brand loyalty. 

By providing a tailored touch, excellent service, and relevant information, businesses will make a lasting impact and establish themselves as a trusted partner in new movers’ lives. Other reasons for considering this strategy include the following: 

  • Personalization & relevance 
  • Long-term client value 
  • Less competition and more attention 

The Best Practices for New Mover Marketing

Millions of people and families have changed residences at the height of the New Mover’s Season, resulting in many buying activities from new brands. Some of the services or items that new movers buy from new brands are pet care, appliances, internet, streaming/cable services, and home décor/furniture, to name a few. 

For businesses, digital new mover marketing is a solid tool to promote their products or services and get more clients. They do it to generate leads, brand, or advertise. Here are the best practices they implement to ensure the success of the strategy: 

1. Combining Online & Offline Marketing Channels

    Businesses no longer use just one medium in their traditional marketing to reach their targeted audience. These days, marketers use various mediums to reach their target audience, including IP targeting, print, social media, TV, and direct mail. Combining online and offline advertising helps strengthen both channels. 

    2. Building Local Presence

    Building a local presence is important when targeting and reaching out to new movers. If applicable, this involves having a physical location, but it may also include ensuring your business brand has online visibility. To build this online presence, you must optimize your social media profiles and website for local keywords to ensure new movers discover you more easily. 

    3. Involving the Community

    Local businesses sponsor or organize community events, like charity fundraisers, festivals, and sports events. These events often serve as great platforms to link with new movers, fostering camaraderie and giving them a glimpse into local cultures. Being a visible and active community member may also foster goodwill and trust among new residents. 

    In conclusion, it is important to understand new movers’ life cycles and timeframes relevant to your brand. Through new mover marketing, you will gain actionable strategies and invaluable insights that can help you achieve just that. 


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