Tesha Jie

Headshot of Founder Tesha Jie

Tesha Jie

Founder & Creator
Entrepreneur, Author, Influencer
Paris, France

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Tesha Jie is the Founder and Meditation Creator of Theme Meditation.

Tesha Jie is a writer, linguist and social media consultant/influencer, meditation creator and a psychic futurist. She has Chinese, Korean, English and Japanese origins, she is fluent in Chinese, English, and French, can speak 9 other languages and hold 4 masters degrees from French and American universities.

She writes about meditation, unconventional knowledge and novels, creates and guide meditation, advise and speaks about social media, culture, speech gestures and diversity related subjects. She’s a rarely high-profile brands advisor while being an influencer herself, about social media, she’s in the dark and under the light at the same time. She also group guides meditation for businesses, organizations or is a brand speaker/ ambassador

Tesha Jie published a novel in 2006 and recently a book on meditation « 30 Mini Instant Meditation », which helps busy people to get into meditation quickly and integrate it into their daily lives.

While writing a novel called Eye Ring after receiving the story from direct consciousness communication, when doing research for the novel, she got immersed into unconventional knowledge and is writing and publishing a series of books called Life’s Purpose & Universe.

She has now published Book 2 books for the series:

  • 1st one is 5 Theories of Mankind’s Origins
  • 2nd one is Quantum Physics, Andromeda Extraterrestrials & 11 Dimensions Universe

The coming books from her series are:

  • How to Live Forever
  • Emotional Health &Chinese Proverbs
  • Social Media, Digital Countries & 101 km+
  • Reincarnation Truth & Multi-Personalities & Zombies – How to deal with pain, depression, heart breaks, suicidal thoughts for sensitive souls


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