Turning Passion into a Sustainable and Fulfilling Career

woman speaking in meeting about passion and goals

My company, Carex Consulting Group, pairs top candidates with attractive career opportunities in multiple verticals. As the CEO and co-founder, I’ve built the company with my wonderful team around a culture of transparency and hard work. Getting to this point in my career required embracing opportunities for success and committing to continual learning. Throughout my career I’ve remained passionate about what I do, who I am, and the goals I want to achieve. Anyone and everyone can and should do it – here’s how you can turn passion into a sustainable and fulfilling career or business endeavor.

Cultivate and Understand Your Passion

Part of my advice asks people to first discover their passions. What are the things they enjoy that make sense in terms of a job or startup firm? Separate hobbies from passionate thoughts about work. Of course, many people engage in hobbies passionately, whether they’re creating furniture or playing golf, but that does not mean they can or should do those things as a job or build a company around those hobbies. Your passion might resemble a hobby, or it might be more thematic, such as “helping improve access to education,” or “developing a new medical device for diabetes.” Perform some introspection to determine your passions and accept they might change over time. Recognize you might possess multiple interconnected passions and strengths that can come together with your next job or a new business venture.

Learn How Startups and Successful Businesses Work

Prior to starting Carex Consulting Group, I worked with a fast-growing startup firm, Nordic Consulting. I helped build it into a large nationwide firm, and I took the lessons from that journey into my development of Carex. I recommend eager entrepreneurs to spend some time at a startup, perhaps not as a founder but as an employee that’s driving growth.

Working at a startup gives you a platform for making an outsized difference and impact. You have leeway to try things and experience successes and failures. This process helps you discover and refine your passions and how they play into your career path. It’s the basis for continual learning, which is mandatory for developing a long and fruitful career that leaves you satisfied while also searching for more. I was fortunate to have a taste of the startup world, which shaped my focus and gave me the foundation for creating my own company. This is simply how I turned my passion into a sustainable and fulfilling career.

Develop Your Technological Prowess

In our digitally connected world, turning your passions into a career often involves technology. In my field, for example we often recommend Coderbyte to workers and for employers. It’s a web application built to help people practice their coding skills. Employers use the platform to assess candidates quickly and affordably. It features remote and real-time interview capabilities that pair together hiring managers and technical managers with candidates who want to prove their coding ability.

This platform plays into “passion” on two fronts. For coders, it’s a great way to practice skills and hone a craft that requires passion and dedication. And for employers such as a tech startup firm it ensures new hires align with the company’s culture and specific needs. Embrace technology platforms and tools that make your passions, job, or company stronger. Having the desire to succeed is a great start, but you must hone your craft and talents to achieve long-term success.  

Manage the Roadblocks

Becoming an entrepreneur or achieving other career success means overcoming obstacles. Open yourself to criticisms and setbacks. Learn from other’s opinions, without allowing them to temper your passions or deflect you from your goals. The pandemic presented all of us with a tremendous obstacle that provided us with an opportunity to reset and reassess. For me and the amazing team at Carex it forced us to imagine a path forward. It pushed us to change our business through tech investments and to our subscription line of business that provides a cost-effective way for companies to scale. These changes allowed us to manage through the pandemic and come out of if poised to grow with new revenue streams. We remained passionate about the strength of our business and our capability, even through an unprecedented crisis. I encourage others to embrace the lessons from the pandemic and really turn passions into a sustainable and fulfilling career.


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