Sanaz Cordes

Headshot photo of Sanaz Cordes

Sanaz Cordes, MD

Chief Healthcare Advisor
Healthcare, HealthTech
San Luis Obispo, CA, USA

Sanaz’s Podcast!

Dr. Cordes has over 18 years of healthcare and health tech executive leadership with a proven track record of building and scaling healthcare technology companies.

She is currently a chief healthcare advisor for World Wide Technology, where she helps enterprise healthcare organizations solve complex business problems by optimizing technology and process. Prior, she was a venture advisor and consultant for HealthX Ventures and served as interim CEO of their portfolio company, DotCom Therapy- a teletherapy provider of speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy.

A serial entrepreneur and investor, Dr. Cordes was the founder & principal at Value Prop Shop – a consulting firm exclusively working with venture firms and their health tech portfolio companies to strategically grown revenue, fundraise, and achieve market traction with an ROI-driven approach for over 25 healthcare startups around the country.



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