Using Scalable Information Insight Solutions to Automate Tasks

a digital AI brain being integrated into a hardware component as an insight solution

Companies are constantly faced with obstacles and hurdles that impact the efficiency of their business processes and operations. To successfully manage these obstacles, organizations must seek technology solutions that adequately address their data and turn information into usable knowledge. Doing so will allow companies to have healthy growth with partners, customers, and their workforce. To grow in these areas, companies should lean on technology solutions that are easily scalable across various business areas – for example, an insight solution specializing in information insight.

One of the most prominent areas that make insight solutions “masters of scale” is the ability to automate repetitive and monotonous tasks. Mindbreeze InSpire collects and consolidates information from a comprehensive range of connected data sources and delivers it proactively across all applications, departments, and even across corporate boundaries – right when needed. This high level of information insight makes the solution scalable across large organizations.

Knowledge Management to Automate Busywork

How can a company free up resources by automating tasks so its workforce can focus on more valuable efforts? What is currently being done manually that doesn’t need to be?

If you have been in the workforce, you likely have heard and dreaded the term busywork. Merriam-Webster defines busywork as “work that usually appears productive or of intrinsic value but actually only keeps one occupied.” From extensive research on a topic, gathering information about a customer, updating spreadsheets, and extracting the most prominent information from a lengthy document, so much work can be automated that is not being taken advantage of today. With many tasks fitting the criteria for automation, knowledge management solutions specializing in information insight can quickly scale throughout your business to make operations more efficient and cost-saving.

Insight engines consolidate structured and unstructured information from internal and external sources, making them a top option for easy deployment across corporations and unique functional areas. So, companies don’t need to seek third-party technology when new use cases arise. Typically, companies seek an information insight solution to solve a single business case but always want more when they notice the impact it can make across other departments. Low-code technology, the simplicity of scaling, and user-friendliness are just a few characteristics that make insight engines an attractive bet for companies looking to automate.

Becoming a Master of Scale and Optimizing Resources

Before any technical deployment, business leaders must pinpoint which processes take up the most resources. Without definitive and measurable goals, the roadmap for successful rollouts becomes more likely to cause headaches for the vendor and the customer. Taking a deep dive into the resources required for your most redundant tasks can give companies a complete picture of what they need to make optimal business decisions.  

Consistency and decision-making accuracy are critical to running a company. If scalable solutions can help you achieve this, looking at what is available in the market is sure worth a look. Although a learning curve with any solution will be present, the characteristics of an insight engine make it all the more manageable – because insight engines are “masters of scale.”

The knowledge management solution that was first deployed to assist sales teams generate information on customers in their pipeline and shape the most effective sales strategies can be used to automate redundant tasks in the accounting department, HR department, and more.

Using the most diverse techniques of artificial intelligence to consistently provide your workforce with valuable insights can be a helping hand to anyone and everyone.

Best Practices for Information Insight and Automation

As mentioned earlier, asking your team the most important questions are vital in defining what and where your automation needs are. What solutions do you currently use? What solutions are you looking at? Do these solutions make the most use of your resources? Are they easily scalable for when new use cases are discovered? With solutions on the market that tackle a wide range of business needs, deploying a single insight solution will be more beneficial to your workforce.

The last thing you want to do is overload your workers with new digital processes, which results in burnout and confusion. Innovative insight engines tackle everything and more, making them easily scalable and straightforward to use in all functional areas. Down the road, this will save a significant amount of money and stress for your organization.


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