If you are reading this article, you may have a huge event planned, and you now need to assemble an equally glorious and unforgettable entertainment program. It also means that your choice fell on the drone light show. And you can be 100% sure that you have made the best decision. Drones have many functions. They are used in field exploration, urban planning, and land management, in agriculture, mining, road, and forestry, and also in the oil, gas, and energy sectors. However, with their ability to move with high precision and execute complex commands drones have found their place in the entertainment world today! The first mass drone shows appeared in the early 2010s. Since then their popularity has increased significantly. In the future, these high-tech bugs with LED lights may even become a full-fledged substitute for traditional fireworks. Not to mention that they are more environmentally friendly than pyrotechnics. But how much does a drone light show cost?
Photo Drone Shows by Lumasky Company
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What is drone light show technology?
Firstly, drones with LED systems are thoroughly selected for the show. Next, they are programmed to synchronously perform complex maneuvers in the air, creating shapes, symbols, and scenes to music. Thus, they make a spectacular and dynamic show that is impressive in accuracy, scale, technology, and creativity.
On average, the show includes from 100 to 1000 drones that change color and brightness on command. These drones are synchronized via GPS and programmed in advance. One of the main characteristics is their incredibly lightweight and compactness.
An example of one of the most famous and large-scale drone shows is the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, where thousands of drones were used. In the night sky, they joined to captivate the audience by creating aerial displays of the Olympic rings and other visual elements. The performance was even listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Now that you know the most basic information about the show, it is time to move on to the most important aspect – the price tag. The drone light show costs and expenses related to organizing such shows depend on various factors. They include the number of drones, the complexity of programming, the duration of the show, and the venue. The question of price is a stumbling block in planning such events, as even a small change in the performance script can significantly affect the final budget.
Characteristics affecting drone light show cost and performances
1. The number of drones used in performance
One of the key factors is the number of devices involved. The more drones involved in the performance, the more expensive it is to organize. This is due to increased costs for the equipment and also to increased labor costs for programming, controlling, and synchronizing. Larger-scale shows require sophisticated software solutions to ensure that all elements interact flawlessly. For example, a show with 50-100 drones can cost about $20,000, whereas the cost of a drone light show with 1,000 drones can reach $1,000,000 (the range of the cost per drone is $200-$1,000).
2. Programming and design
Another significant factor is the complexity of show software programming. A simple display of basic shapes and standard choreography will cost less than unique 3D animations and synchronized elements. Programming multiple drones to perform certain maneuvers requires in-depth coding knowledge, and synching with music or other visual effects like leds adds additional levels of complexity. The more detailed and creative the visual elements of the show are, the more time and effort it takes to develop them.
3. Duration of the show
Here, as in previous cases, a simple equation works: the longer the show lasts, the more resources are involved, including technical means and human resources. The optimal duration of the show varies depending on the event. For most corporate events, a duration of 5-10 minutes is considered ideal. This is enough time to impress the audience without stretching the program or overloading the show with visual effects. For large celebrations and ceremonies, the duration can increase to 15-20 minutes. But keep in mind that a longer drone light show costs more due to increased rental and maintenance costs.
4. Venue
The geographical location of the show significantly affects pricing. The expense can noticeably fluctuate, depending on the country, city, or even a specific site. The nuances of holding an event in open or closed venues are also taken into account. Organizing an outdoor show requires consideration of weather conditions, which may sometimes demand backup plans or more wind- and precipitation-resistant technologies.
5. Legal aspects
For drone show companies the organization of such animation requires compliance with several legal requirements. Depending on the country or region, the conduction of the show requires obtaining permits for the use of airspace. For example, in the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates drone flights. In Europe, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) deals with similar permits. In Russia, when organizing flights of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as all aircraft, the Federal Rules for the use of the airspace of the Russian Federation must be observed. They include, in particular, sending an unmanned aircraft flight plan to the center of the Unified Air Traffic Management System of the Russian Federation and obtaining permission to use the airspace. In addition, take-off, landing within the boundaries of a settlement and directly flying over it are possible only with the permission of a local government body, and in a city of federal significance – an authorized executive body.
The legal aspects include additional insurance costs. A drone light show company must ensure equipment and liability to third parties in case of malfunctions or incidents, which can add several hundred thousand to the total cost.
Drone safety and malfunctions
Since we mentioned insurance, is it important to talk about whether drones are safe for viewers and participants of the show? And what if they fall, and what if only one falls, but precisely on my head, is it worth taking a helmet? These and many other questions may come to mind if you do not know what security protocols are provided during the drone show. We hasten to assure you that there is no reason to panic. The drones have an automatic stabilization system sewn into them, which helps them maintain a stable position in the air even under difficult weather conditions. GPS modules ensure precise positioning of each drone in space, which prevents them from colliding with each other. Moreover, many drones are equipped with specialized sensors and software preventing collisions with other objects in the air, and stationary obstacles.
Companies organizing drone shows, such as Lumasky, are taking additional measures to protect the public. For example, before each show, all drones and control systems are thoroughly tested to identify possible problems. To minimize risks, areas for spectators are usually located at a safe distance from the zone where drones fly. Also, protective barriers and fences are often installed to prevent unauthorized onlookers from approaching drones.
In case the drone does fail, it is equipped with automatic return systems to the base point. These systems are activated when the drone loses contact with the drone pilots, encounters software failures, or experiences other technical problems. Also, to replace the malfunctioning devices promptly, companies usually have multiple spare drones. These can be immediately activated to continue the show, while damaged ones are replaced or repaired.
Examples of the cost of drone shows in different countries
The drone light show cost might vary significantly depending on the country of the event. The geographical location, the level of technology development, and the availability of local drone service providers all affect the final price of such events.
In the USA, a show with 100 drones can cost about $50,000, and a show with 500 or more drones can reach $200,000 and above. The price depends on the level of difficulty, the technologies used, and the duration of the show. For example, Intel, one of the leaders in this field, offered a show with 300 drones for $120,000. In the United States, the cost also increases due to the need to comply with strict safety standards and obtain permits for the usage of airspace, which adds additional costs for legal aspects.
In Europe, the cost of the show is close to the American one but may vary depending on the country. In Western European countries such as the United Kingdom or Germany, prices start at €40,000 for a show with 100 drones, and larger events can cost €150,000-200,000. In Eastern Europe, where services and labor are cheaper, prices may be slightly lower. For example, in Poland, a show with 200 drones can cost about €60,000, which makes it more affordable compared to shows in Western countries.
China is one of the world leaders in the production and use of drones. Due to the mass production and availability of technology, the cost of drone shows is significantly lower here. On average, a show with 500 drones has an overall cost of about $100,000, which makes it more affordable for a wide range of customers. In some cases, Chinese companies offer shows with 1,000 drones for about $150,000, which in other countries can cost twice as much.
Local service providers also play an important role in pricing. Having a company specializing in organizing drone shows in a certain region can significantly reduce logistics and equipment rental costs. For example, in the USA and Europe, local companies can offer more favorable conditions for small shows than large international players. While in Asian markets, local companies can provide shows with lower costs due to the availability of cheap technologies and resources.
It is a crime not to mention the capital of shopping and entertainment – Dubai. This city is ideal for companies and logos that want to stand out and attract attention. And Lumasky definitely steals the limelight with colorful drone light shows. They participated in various major events, including shows in the Saudi Arabian desert and other significant events, emphasizing the quality and innovative approach to their projects. Lumasky is actively developing the drone show market and offers a variety of packages that can be adapted to customer requirements. They can provide services for the organization of not only the shows themselves but also full project support, including the formation of unique content and technical support. On average, the Lumasky drone light show cost can start from $30,000–$100,000 for a small performance with 100-150 drones. Such shows can include basic animations and a duration of about 5-10 minutes. More complex projects that involve 300-500 drones and offer more creative demonstrations and also 3D animations have a higher price of $299,000 and more.