10 Types of Content That Brings More Traffic

Person Writing On A Notebook Beside Macbook

Content is the beating heart of digital marketing.

It’s the hook that grabs attention, the message that communicates values, and the bond that forges relationships with your audience. However, in the vast ocean of the internet, not all content sways the tides in your direction. In order to stay afloat and sail ahead, you must understand the ten types of content that can propel your traffic to new heights.

This article will explore each strategy in detail and outline practical steps to leverage them for your brand.

1. In-Depth Guides and Tutorials

Information is the crux of the internet, and quality is its currency. Deep dives into subjects your audience craves are forever valuable.

Among these, the ‘how-to’ guide is a beacon for visitors aiming to solve problems or learn new skills.

So, let’s take a look at how you can craft compelling ‘how-to’ content that not only informs but also captivates:

Provide a Unique Angle

Choose popular yet underserved subjects and tackle them from a unique standpoint. After all, even a crowded field has enough space for a fresh perspective.

Structure for Skimming

Not everyone reads word-for-word. Hence, use headers, bullet points, and bold text to break down your guide for skimmers without losing the thoroughness of your advice.

Multimedia Integration

Proceeding further, a mix of text with visual aids helps with user experience. Think of images, videos, and infographics to bring your tutorial to life and offer different learning modalities for your audience.


Ensure your step-by-step guide is actionable. Use active verbs and write in the second person to keep the guidance clear and direct.

Empathy and Relatability

Lastly, empathize with the audience’s struggles. Share personal anecdotes where you overcame similar obstacles. This creates a connection and inspires trust.

  • Grammarly for editing and proofreading.
  • Canva for creating infographics and visual content.
  • Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress to optimize your guide for search engines.

2. Infographics

Infographics, in essence, are data visualizations that present complex information quickly and clearly.

They are eye-catching and shareable, making them a potent source of both traffic and backlinks.

Now, let’s see the keys to crafting powerful infographics.

Keep It Simple

First, keep in mind simplicity. Infographics transform convoluted data into clear, concise illustrations. Complex topics become approachable, and the ‘shareability’ factor soars.

Design for Clarity

Next up is clarity. Use colors to categorize and highlight. A simple, coherent design is crucial. Too many bells and whistles can distract from the message.

Tell a Story

Moving up, every piece of data should lead to the next, working together to tell a story. A narrative thread keeps the reader engaged and the infographic memorable.

Cite Sources

Finally, make sure all data is attributed to a reliable source. Not only does this add credibility, but it also avoids any copyright concerns.

  • Piktochart or Canva for creating infographics.
  • Venngage for thematic infographics.
  • Adobe Spark for video infographics.

3. Listicles and Roundups

When it comes to content types, humans love lists. They promise a structured, easily digestible reading experience.

Listicles and roundups group content into a ranked or unranked list, making it an effective format for sharing tips, products, or ideas.

Balance Length and Number

Choose a number that aligns with the depth of your content—a “Top 5” may be too brief, while a “Top 100” might intimidate you.

Provide Context

Also, context matters. It’s not just about the numbers. Add value by explaining your choices and guiding readers through your thought process.

Use Engaging Titles and Intros

The title is the first thing readers see, so make it impactful. The introduction should set the stage and entice readers to keep scrolling.

Diversify Content Types

Lastly, diversify your content types. Images, text, and even embedded videos can keep readers interested and provide a comprehensive experience.

  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer for optimizing your titles.
  • ClickToTweet for easy social sharing.
  • Hand-picking items to ensure relevance and quality.

4. Case Studies

Indeed, real-life stories of success and failure provide invaluable insights for your audience.

As such, case studies documenting how a problem was solved or a challenge was met can be a powerful traffic magnet.

Choose the Right Cases

First, make sure to select compelling, recent, and relevant stories. They should speak directly to your target audience’s desires or fears.

Structure for Understanding

Begin with a problem, present the steps taken to solve it, and finish with clear results. Case studies must be comprehensive and easy to follow.

Include Hard Data

Next, aim to measure the success with concrete numbers wherever possible. This adds credibility and proves the efficacy of the solutions offered.

Encourage Engagement

Furthermore, make the case study interactive. Encourage readers to comment, share their own experiences, or ask questions to promote a community discussion.

  • SurveyMonkey or Google Forms for data collection.
  • Google Analytics to track user engagement.
  • HubSpot for creating branded case study templates.

5. Testimonials and Reviews

Of course, social proof is a powerful motivator. Testimonials and reviews can nudge your visitors toward taking action. When crafting these, focus on authenticity and variety of experiences.

Collect Diverse Testimonials

Gather reviews from different segments of your audience. They should represent various demographics and use cases to resonate with a broader audience.

Showcase Real People

Photos and names add a human element to the testimonials. This makes them more relatable and can enhance their persuasive impact.

Video Testimonials

Lastly, if possible, opt for video testimonials. They are harder to fake and show genuine enthusiasm, which can be contagious.

  • Boast for testimonial collection and display.
  • Trustpilot for customer review management.
  • Loox for photo reviews and social proof on e-commerce websites.

6. Product Comparisons

Nowadays, consumers are savvier than ever, and they often research extensively before making purchases. Product comparison articles are an essential part of their decision-making process.

Nowadays, consumers are savvier than ever before, and it’s become a regular habit for many to conduct in-depth research before making any purchases. Consequently, product comparison articles have become an essential part of their decision-making process.

Use Side-by-Side Tables

Whenever you’re making comparisons, remember, that visual comparisons are often the easiest to digest. Simple techniques, such as using side-by-side tables containing key features and benefits, can quickly and effectively highlight differences.

Be Objective

In your attempts to be helpful, make sure you present facts without obvious bias. In fact, if you happen to be enthusiastic about a specific brand, be sure to provide data or logical reasons to back up your claims.

Consider the Reader’s Experience

As you compare, it’s important to ask what the most relevant differences or similarities for your audience might be. In essence, you should aim to tailor your content to provide the insights that truly help them make informed decisions.

  • TablePress for creating comparison tables in WordPress.
  • Revcontent for A/B testing different product ads.
  • SEO tools like SEMrush to analyze competitor keywords.

7. Podcasts and Webinars

Content consumption habits are evolving, and audio content is surging in popularity. Podcasts and webinars are excellent for engaging with your audience and encouraging repeat traffic through subscriptions.

High-Quality Audio

Make a worthwhile investment in a good quality microphone and suitable acoustics. Maintaining high-quality audio is crucial, not just for retaining existing listeners, but also for attracting new ones.

Consistent Schedule

Whether you choose to release content weekly or monthly, remember that consistency is key in cultivating a committed audience. Employ social media or email marketing to keep your listeners updated on the release of new episodes.

Invite Guests

Another good strategy is to invite industry experts for either interviews or discussions. This can significantly boost your podcast’s appeal. Plus, there’s an added chance their followers might also become your devoted listeners.

Webinar Replays

When it comes to webinars, consider offering replays. This offers the benefits of time-zone flexibility and caters to those who, unfortunately, missed the live session.

  • Anchor or Buzzsprout for podcast hosting and distribution.
  • Zoom for webinar hosting and recording.
  • Libsyn for podcast statistics and insights.

8. Opinion Pieces

Sharing your expertise or perspective on industry news can position you as a thought leader. Opinion pieces that dissect current events, trends, or controversies are both valuable and share-worthy.

Sharing your expertise or perspective on industry news can certainly position you as a thought leader. Furthermore, opinion pieces that dissect current events, trends, or controversies are not only valuable but also share-worthy.

Be Informed

Firstly, you need to stay updated on the latest news and insights in your industry. By doing so, and with regular reading of reputable sources, this can provide useful fodder for your opinion pieces.

Clearly Articulate Your Position

Secondly, it’s worth noting that opinions must be backed by logical reasoning or evidence. In essence, you need to make clear and persuasive arguments that can stand up to critique.

Engage with the Audience

Also, make it a habit to invite readers to share their own opinions or experiences in the comments. This way, you can foster a sense of community and establish a venue for respectful discussions.

  • Medium for publication and to reach a broad audience.
  • Disqus for blog comments and community engagement.
  • Buffer for social media management and sharing your opinions on multiple platforms.

9. User-Generated Content

As a matter of fact, engagement doesn’t end at a ‘thank you’ email; it’s an ongoing conversation. User-generated content (UGC) actively invites your audience to be co-creators of your brand narrative.

Contests and Hashtags

To begin with, motivate users to create content through contests or hashtags. This approach not only generates content but also incentivizes sharing.

Showcase the Best

On a regular basis, take time to highlight user content on your website or social media. Doing so creates a virtuous cycle of engagement and recognition.

In terms of legal considerations, be clear about usage rights and seek permission to feature user content. These actions build trust and help avoid potential legal entanglements.

  • Woobox for running social media contests.
  • TINT for curating and displaying user-generated content.
  • Rights management platforms like Pixlee or Yotpo for securing content rights.

10. Evergreen Content

Firstly, evergreen content is content that remains relevant and valuable over a significant span of time. It’s essentially a gateway to consistent traffic. What makes evergreen content endure is the fact that it’s not tied to a specific date or trend.

Repurpose and Refresh

Secondly, it’s crucial to update your evergreen content periodically. This is necessary in order to reflect new developments, technologies, or insights. Consequently, this keeps it current and search-engine friendly.

SEO Best Practices

Thirdly, when it comes to crafting titles, meta tags, and content, always have SEO in mind. It’s important to use keywords strategically, however, don’t stuff your copy. Remember to aim for a natural, conversational flow while simultaneously optimizing for search.

Pillar Content

The fourth point to keep in mind is to utilize the pillar-cluster model for organizing related content. This goes a long way in enhancing your site structure and subsequently, creates a stronger internal linking network.

  • Google Trends for finding topics that have lasting interest.
  • Simplified’s AI writer for writing SEO-friendly content.
  • Ahrefs for tracking and analyzing your content’s ranking and performance over time.
  • SurferSEO for content optimization and keyword density analysis.

Final Words

The breadth and depth of these content types offer a palette of engaging options to drive traffic to your site. Though each type serves a different purpose, its ultimate function is to connect with your audience, speak to their needs, and encourage them to take action. By diversifying your content strategy with these ten powerhouses, you can create a robust and dynamic digital presence that stands out in the crowded marketplace.

Remember, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about creating an experience. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a content entrepreneur, the ability to craft stories, present data, and engage with your audience will be the wind in your sails. Also, remember you can always leverage an ATS applicant to hire a content writer. With the right strategies, tools, and commitment to the craft, these ten types of content can turn the tide in your favor, bringing more traffic and ensuring your brand’s voice is heard in the digital chorus of the internet.


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